Evading US Multi-Layered Defense System, Russia To Induct Its Nuclear Armed, Nuclear Powered Autonomous Torpedo In 2023

Tiwari, S. (2023, June 22). Evading US Multi-Layered Defense System, Russia To Induct Its Nuclear Armed, Nuclear Powered Autonomous Torpedo In 2023. EurAsian Times. Retrieved July 22, 2023, from https://www.eurasiantimes.com/new-sia-to-induct-its-nuclear-armed-nuclear-powered-autonomou/


The Russian Navy will add a nuclear Belgorod submarine carrying the lethal nuclear torpedo ‘Poseidon’ in 2023. It is an experimental vessel for Poseidon drones and is the largest submarine built in 40 years. The Poseidon torpedo is one of Russia’s six strategic weapons, or “Super Weapons.” It can travel at a top speed of 108 knots with an operational depth of about 1,000 meters, making it elusive and faster than existing torpedoes. It can cause devastating, lasting damage by spreading radioactive material over large areas. This move by Russia aims to counter American ballistic missile defense systems in Europe, creating a geopolitical imbalance.


This article demonstrates how nuclear energy is being used for weaponry in a military context. By harnessing nuclear energy, many things are possible to create, including weapons. This torpedo puts into perspective how powerful weapons can be with nuclear power. Not only will the initial impact of a torpedo this size be able to cause massive damage to whatever it hits, the radiation will create lasting damage that will cause humans and the environment to die. Depending on how far the radiation travels, whether in the air or in the water, it can have a large radius that will affect many different people and ecosystems.

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