Vertical Farming Points to Future Agriculture; Set to Inject Impetus to China’s Food

Zhang, H. (2023, July 5). Vertical Farming Points to Future Agriculture, Set to Inject Impetus to China’s 

Food. Retrieved August 26, 2023 from,

In China, they are beginning to start vertical farming in big cities. In just a few square meters they are now able to create and sustain a flourishing greenhouse even without natural sunlight or soil. These tightly enclosed vertical farms are able to grow produce year-round without taking up any areas of land in the outside world for agriculture. The vertical farms allow China to produce more food faster in a contained space to meet their countries ever rising population.

I like the idea of the vertical farms in enclosed spaces for many reasons. As mentioned in the article the farms do not “need additional farmland,” which is very important, as no new land needs to be ripped up and made suitable for agriculture, preserving it as it naturally is. I also like the vertical farms because it is a sustainable source of food that does not come at the cost of the environment and does not need the help of fossil fuels to succeed, however with LED lighting which does not release emissions. Ultimately the idea of vertical farming seems like a strong environmentally friendly technology that could change the dynamics of agriculture in the coming years.

4 thoughts on “Vertical Farming Points to Future Agriculture; Set to Inject Impetus to China’s Food

  1. I am a big fan of new ways of growing food. We will be getting into different ways to grow food that could be done vertically. Think about all those big cities that have to import food from far away. Did the article mention if these farms are able to be profitable and as efficient going vertical? Even if they’re not there do you think there is an argument to do them anyway?

    Great post- this kind of farming could be a game changer.

    • Hi Mr. Powell, thank you for your interesting response! Yes, the article did mention that the farms were as efficient if not more efficient than non-vertical farms, through this I also assume that it is as profitable if they are able to grow more. Even if they weren’t I think there is a great argument, in our socratic seminar about the delta smelt, a solution was bought up that we could shift to vertical farming to help farmers with limited water and I totally agree with this! We can save eco systems and keep the farmers happy and efficient.

  2. I find vertical farms very interesting as well. When looking at designs for hydroponics I found one I thought was interesting that was a vertical system. I think vertical farming could be very good, especially in places that lack space.

    • Thank you for your response! They can be great for hydroponics and I like the fact that you bought up limited spaces which vertical farming can help with.

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