A Sudden Rush to Make Sustainable Aviation Fuel Mainstream

The New York Times, (2023, February 21). A Sudden Rush to Make Sustainable Aviation Fuel Mainstream. Retrieved August 29, 2023, from https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/21/climate/united-sustainable-aviation-fuel.html?smid=url-share


A flurry of investments has provided a new surge of energy for the market on sustainable aviation fuel. Many airline companies, such as United Airlines, have started a $100 million venture capital fund to invest in sustainable fuels. These sustainable fuels are made from used cooking oil and agricultural waste. They can produce up to 80 percent less environmentally harmful emissions than regular jet fuel. Currently, almost no flights are powered by sustainable fuel due to its high cost and low supply.


This article helps to shed light on a potential solution to the carbon emissions problem from airlines. Whenever we fly, we usually don’t think about the carbon emissions generated by the aircraft. The push for biofuel to be used in planes is a step towards reducing the carbon emissions generated by the aviation industry. I think that airlines are doing the right thing in investing in companies that manufacture sustainable aviation fuels.

4 thoughts on “A Sudden Rush to Make Sustainable Aviation Fuel Mainstream

  1. Will- This is a perfect topic for you, and a well written abstract. Air travel is here to stay, and as you know has a huge env. impact. So it sounds like this alt fuel could be a solution by reducing waste that we have to deal with while allowing airlines to lower their carbon footprint. But then there’s the price tag. (Of course all their emissions are externalized costs which that travel or airline doesn’t pay for directly). Do you think that there is a future for this type of fuel? Will the prices come down?

  2. I agree this is a very good topic to research because not many people take into consideration the amount of damage fuel is causing right now. The emissions are insane and a possible solution would be very beneficial. I wonder how sustainable fuel could be made more accessible and affordable?

  3. I think that there is a lot of promise in sustainable fuel, and I agree with your points. I this these are great to combat air pollution. Are there efforts being made to create and larger supply to lower costs? Also, In the world there are different types of fuel that effect a vehicle’s performance. Is there any difference in the performance of jets from this fuel?

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