Experts weigh medical advances in gene-editing with ethical dilemmas

Stein, R. (2023, March 6). Experts weigh medical advances in gene-editing with ethical dilemmas. Retrieved August 15, 2023, from


Multiple doctors, bioethicists, and patients are debating about an issue reguarding powerful new gene-editing technologies. A big problem and concern is whether scientists should try to make gene-edited babies by modifying the DNA in human sperm, eggs, or embryos again.This could help several families who have been plagued by devastating genetic disorders. Recently, scientists have developed new evidence about the risks and possible shortcomings of gene-editing, while developing more worldy techniques that could be safer. “There are more than 10,000 single genetic mutations that collectively affect probably hundreds of million of people around the world” says Shoukhrat Mitalipov, a biologist at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. 


This article is related to environmental science because gene editing is an advancement in plant and animal breeding that can support sustainability by helping farmers conserve water, reduce pesticide use, enhance soil health, improve air quality, safeguard animal well-being, and protect wildlife. It’s an advancement in technology that will be beneficial to our planet. 

One thought on “Experts weigh medical advances in gene-editing with ethical dilemmas

  1. Gene editing seems like a very controversial subject, it’ll be interesting to see in the future how all of it is handled, whether it becomes a useful tool or more of a societal burden. I wonder how this could potentially be problematic in leading to some forms of eugenics? However it does play out, gene editing is fascinating and a huge development in science.

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