Governing biotechnology to provide safety and security and address ethical, legal, and social implications

Genet. F (2023, January 11) Governing biotechnology to provide safety and security and address ethical, legal, and social implications. Retrieved 21, 2023, from


The field of biotechnology has produced a wide variety of materials and products which are rapidly entering the commercial marketplace. With the updated technology and the usage requires safety features including updated security representing the product’s ethical, legal, and social implications. In order to unlock technological capability, biotechnology firms must invest in research and development efforts that are aimed at making the technology more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. This may include developing new genetic engineering techniques, improving the efficiency of fermentation processes, or finding new ways to extract or purify biologically active compounds. At the same time, biotechnology companies must also be mindful of the potential risks associated with their products and processes. This may involve conducting risk assessments, designing safety protocols, and engaging in open communication with stakeholders such as regulators, consumers, and environmental groups.


This article is related to environmental science because it explains the process of biotechnology which would be benefiical towards our environment. Environmental science is the branch of biotechnology that addresses environmental problems, such as the removal of pollution, renewable energy generation or biomass production, by exploiting biological processes. 

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