Invasive Mink Eradicated from Parts of England by Using Scented Traps

NewScientist. (2024, January 15). Invasive mink eradicated from parts of England by using scented traps. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from 


The American mink, native the North America has become invasive in the United Kingdom where it was farmed for fur. After many American minks either escaped the farms or were released by activists, the American minks started to thrive in the United Kingdom, harming native species of fish, birds, and small mammals including the native European mink. This destroys the native ecosystems’ balance. The idea of killing these mink, and how it would be done became a very complicated issue. However, a solution that has been tested to work in parts of the United Kingdom has recently come out. This solution involves creating mink traps that lure the American minks through the smell of their anal glands. Then once a mink is trapped, a signal is sent and a volunteer comes to check on if there is a mink inside the trap or a different animal. If it is a mink, it is culled, and if not it is released. This solution has already been tested at a somewhat small scale and gotten rid of American minks from the region it was being tested in. It now is receiving government funding and will expand until American minks are fully eradicated from the United Kingdom.

I believe that while it is unfortunate that the American minks will need to die despite it not being their fault they are invasive, this solution seems to be the best one as it is extremely effective in protecting the wilderness of areas where American Minks are invasive. Also, it can help prevent minks from being farmed for their fur, as people can use wild mink fur instead, which is more ethical since the mink gets to freely roam throughout most of its life, and less mink farming will be supported. This fur can then be sent to people in places like Siberia where they basically need fur and will hunt for the fur of native species either way. With mink fur, they will not need to hunt as many animals for their fur. This gives me hope for American minks to eventually leave England and hopefully other areas they are invasive in during my lifetime.

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