Biden-Harris Administration Announces $150 Million to Strengthen Domestic Critical Material Supply Chains

Department of Energy (2023, September 6) Biden-Harris Administration Announces $150 Million to Strengthen Domestic Critical Material Supply Chains. Retrieved January 27, 2024, from


This article talks about the U.S. Department of Energy and how they announced their funding of upwards of $150 million to help the producing and refining of critical minerals and materials within the United States. This funding is with Biden’s ideas of investing in America, helping to create a greener society. The aim is to meet the increasing demand for critical minerals and materials while reducing dependence on offshore supplies, which are more hurtful to the environment. These minerals and materials are extremely important for manufacturing clean energy which includes wind turbines, solar, and even electric cars.


This is important for Environmental Science because by investing in this opportunity, the US seeks to create jobs and support communities across the country that have historically relied on mining and energy production. This will ultimately help contribute to less CO2 emissions. This plan reflects the administration’s commitment to ensuring that every community benefits from the clean energy transition.

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