Power Plants and Neighboring Communities.

United States Environmental Protection Agency (2023, December 15) Power Plants and Neighboring Communities. Retrieved January 28, 2024, from https://www.epa.gov/power-sector/power-plants-and-neighboring-communities


Communities often face bigger exposure to environmental pollutants and suffer from a range of health issues as a result. These include an increased risk of developing heart or lung diseases, such as asthma and bronchitis, as well as encountering respiratory and cardiac symptoms. These populations might also deal with higher rates of emergency room visits, hospital admissions. It is critical to address these environmental injustices.


This is related to APES because many times in our environment, there is exposure to many different chemicals that are hoped to be avoided. Some experiments may also go wrong when trying to better our environment. It is important to consider the immediate and lasting effects on the surrounding communities when evaluating a community’s future potential vulnerability for environmental justice concerns. The closure of large fossil fuel-fired plants can have significant impacts on the local economy, employment, and the environment. Accordingly, it is crucial to assess and address these potential concerns to ensure a just transition to cleaner energy sources and mitigate any adverse effects on the affected communities.

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