China, India Lead Asia’s Biggest Hydropower Crunch in Decades

The portion of energy in Asia coming from hydropower significantly declined. China and India saw the largest drops. Extreme weather conditions such as heat waves, and decreased rainfall led to far less effective generation of hydropower. While other green sources of energy continued to increase there was also an increase in fossil fuels in order to compensate for this decline in hydropower. Countries other than India and China that also experienced a decline include Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia. 


Hydropower is very promising as it can be integrated into already necessary infrastructure like dams, and it can be very cheap to keep running. However, this recent decline exemplifies the risks of hydropower and all other types of green energy. Fossil fuels are very consistent because we just burn however much we need to burn. With renewable sources of energy that process is much different, instead, we have to rely on a steady supply of power. They are also subject to changes in weather and climate such as in this case.

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