Sustainable Practice: Sustainable technology to start 2024

The article is about a range of new technologies made to drive sustainability in 2024. It highlights the role of artificial intelligence in improving energy efficiency and making better progress towards sustainable solutions. For example affordable sodium-ion batteries and recyclable plastics. Another sustainable technology is advancements in solar power including the surpassing of hydropower in electricity generation in the United States. This is a significant shift towards renewable energy sources. Overall, the article emphasizes the growing solutions available to address environmental challenges and wants the application of technology to secure a sustainable future.

The article’s hopeful outlook on the future of sustainability resonates with me. The potential of the new technologies in making a more environmentally better world makes me excited. The integration of artificial intelligence in material discovery and green chemistry shows how versatile AI is in pushing us toward sustainable solutions. The article’s focus on solar power’s hold on electricity and the exploration of space-based solar power shows the strides we are taking towards renewable energy on both earth and space scales.


2 thoughts on “Sustainable Practice: Sustainable technology to start 2024

  1. I agree that it’s exciting to see the future of AI and how it could potentially aid us in creating a more sustainable climate/energy. What I am wondering is what are some of the specific steps companies are taking with AI to improve energy efficiency? I’m be curious to know.

  2. Advancements in solar power are exciting because if solar can be more efficient than it is currently it starts to be a really viable option. I think we’re still in the early years of solar technology, but it’s exciting to think about how important it will be in the future. I’d like to know more about how solar panels are being made more efficient or cheaper.

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