Pollution/eutrophication risks worsening global water scarcity

Phys.org (2024, February 6). Pollution risks worsening global water scarcity: Study.


This article is about how eutrophication can affect water scarcity. A recent study shows how 3 billion more people than expected could be at risk of facing water scarcity by 2050, and the cause is increased pollution rendering river sources unsafe for people and wildlife alike. Combined with chemical and plastic pollution, eutrophication can compromise water quality. As seen in previous articles, the algae blooms can choke ecosystems and release dangerous products (such as neurotoxins) into our limited water sources.


This article is related to Environmental Science because it shows a more global scale of cascading effects from nitrogen fertilizers and eutrophication. When I did the original California one, I focused on the effects of cyanobacteria and algal blooms in the Bay Area. This article confirms that the same things we see here will potentially threaten much of the world if things do not change. The article mentioned how around half the world’s population is at risk of water scarcity, without factoring in the effects of eutrophication. If this study is right, then more people would not have access to clean and safe water than those who do, in only about 25 years. This article puts heavy emphasis on how soon that is, and the scale of the massive problem that we face.

2 thoughts on “Pollution/eutrophication risks worsening global water scarcity

  1. This is very interesting and scary information. It is unfortunate that eutrophication is affecting places all over the world. But it just shows how we as a whole need to work on our fertilizer use and not just specific areas. Do you think we can work together with other nations to solve this problem?

  2. This article discusses the dangerous link between eutrophication and global water scarcity. The study’s forecast that 3 billion more people will face water scarcity by 2050 due to rising pollution was very sad and shocking to read. Eutrophication, combined with chemical and plastic waste, is a major hazard to water quality and human health. What solutions do you think we should use to prevent this?

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