Birding (Yes, Birding) is a Multi-Billion Dollar Ecotourism Industry

Daily Beast. (2019, August 1) Birding (Yes, Birding) is a Multi-Billion Dollar Ecotourism Industry Retrieved August 25, 2019, from,


Birding has now become a 41 billion dollar business in the United States. Every year, around 20 million Americans take birding related vacations or trips. Birding gives people a sense of community and unity whilst helping to protect and serve the environment. There are many favorite birding spots in the United States, most in or around national parks. A large number of popular birding places boosts the economy in small places that may have never seen the money without Birders. However, more and more Birders have begun going to other countries in order to witness a variety of different species. In order to avoid this, more and more companies are offering incentives for Birders and other ecotourists to stay in the United States. 


This article demonstrates that there are many different sides to this topic. I for one would have never thought of Birding as a big contributor to ecotourism, but it is never the less.  The article is well written, full of vital information, and often humorous. I like how the author incorporates their own personal experience with the topic, proving that Birding has a much larger reach than we may have previously thought. Birding, as painted by the author, seems to be a very good path for ecotourism. 

Egypt launches the environmental festival to promote ecotourism

Xinhuanet. (2019, August 23) Egypt launches the environmental to promote ecotourism. Retrieved August 25, 2019, from


Egypt is planning a three-day festival ecotourism festival that will hopefully provide the local environmental organizations with a large amount of funding. The festival is to be held in Cairo.  The festival itself will serve as a tourist destination, increasing local profits. Ultimately the purpose is to educate not only international travelers, but locals as well, about Egypt’s history, culture, and environmental situation. There are many people from the local nature reserves who will be participating in the festival. 


This story is another example of the wonders of ecotourism. In this example, the festival will serve as a way in which to bring people together, fund environmental projects and educate the general public about both Egypt’s and the world’s current environmental standing. I particularly liked all of the images in the article. They all incorporated aspects of what made this festival so special and interesting.  However, the pictures seem to pain the festival as more of a market. 

What West Virginia can learn from Ecotourism in the Americas, July 30) What West Virginia can learn from Ecotourism in the Americas (1999) Retrieved August 25, 2019, from 


While West Virginia adopts, ecotourism, and ponders its implications, it also looks to its neighbors to the south as examples to follow. For Virginians, the most important result of ecotourism would be that it provides them with a way to make money, outside of big companies. While protecting the environment is of the utmost importance, there is also the economic factor in play, and people cannot live off of good intentions. Here, the locals want to use ecotourism as a sustainable way to make a profit. 


This article gives important insight, for while ecotourism in branded a better form of tourism. Ultimately the goal to make money is the same. In this community, the people see the protection of the environment as a small added bonus, and not as the core principle. They intend to use ecotourism to make money, plain and simple. Ultimately, this article also shows us how the protection of the environment and local economic growth can go hand in hand. 

Life on the Amazon Oil Frontier: From Exploration to Ecotourism

Mongabay. (2019, August 2) Life on the Amazon oil frontier: From exploration to ecotourism. Retrieved August 25, 2019, from


In Ecuador’s Amazon Rainforest, oil and tourism are the two big economic powers. Many of the local population, end up having to choose between the two titans. When Petroamazonas signed the deal to extract oil, they made many promises that would never be kept. Their presence eventually devastated the local economy. This led many from within the community to turn to ecotourism. Ecotourism has allowed the locals to have a stable income, help regrow the local economy, and protect their environment.  


This article demonstrates the wondrous impact that ecotourism can have on not only the environment but the people too. It can be very easy to lose the human aspect in the whole equation, but these people’s stories serve as a reminder. Their lives were devastated by empty promises, and ecotourism has allowed them to get their lives back. This article, I feel embodies the spirit of Environmentalism, people working to protect the environment, while also finding a way to sustainably take advantage of the resources it provides. 

An introduction to Ecotourism

ThoughtCo.(2019, May 25) An introduction to Ecotourism. Retrieved August 25, 2019, from


Ecotourism is loosely described as travel with a low environmental impact, that educates those visiting about the local culture and ecosystem. Ecotourism began in the 1970s,  but only became a seriously used means of travel in the 1980s. Because of its popularity, many different companies based on ecotourism exist. Due to its popularity, certain guidelines have been created in order for a trip to be labeled ecotourism, have minimal impact on the environment, build respect and awareness for local conditions, provide direct financial aid to both the local people and conservation efforts. There exist a few criticisms of ecotourism, the main ones being the increased amount of tourists, tourists dependant cities or governments, and unbalanced wealth within the local populations. 


This article provides background information on ecotourism. It delves into the history of the industry, and how it came to be so popular. It goes on to warn the reader of possible ecotourism scams. This article also tries to remain a rather unbiased account of the whole situation. It provides not only the pros of ecotourism but also the cons. Finally, the article ends with some consumer advice on how to make sure, your ecotouristic vacation is as agreeable and fulfilling as possible.