Climate Change Eliciting Huge Boom in Tick Population

Tick populations booming due to climate change. (2015, July 28). Retrieved November 22, 2015, from climate-change

Because of the warming temperatures especially in the northern United States, animals that live only live in warmer, more moderate climates, have been able to establish a presence in once much colder areas. A major example of this trend is the tick, that is now highly populated in much more northern states. This is bad news because they are disease-vectors to humans and pets, meaning that viruses and bacteria like lyme’s disease and spotted fever will be more widely spread across the country. Consequently, scientists have officially documented a link between the spread of disease and climate change.

Environmental science is heavily involved in this article because it involves insects and the spread of disease within an environment. We also need to use strategies from this field of science to help prevent it. This article provides readers with yet another negative and hurtful impact of global climate change, one that is not obvious without further research. The assimilation of all the future impacts of climate change in the U.S. should alarm every American and elicit change, especially the increased spread of disease.


21 Kids Take on the Federal Government in Carbon Emission Lawsuit

Sheridan, K. (2015, November 21). US kids’ lawsuit over climate change gathers steam. Retrieved November 22, 2015, from -steam.html

21 kids from ages eight to nineteen have filed a lawsuit against the federal government and many others against several state governments to drastically reduce our carbon emission in the United States. These passionate minors and their story have gained a lot of publicity in the recent months and has gained much support from many people across the nation. The plaintiffs are calling for the Obama Administration to assemble and implement a plan to ultimately reduce the atmospheric concentration of CO2 to 350 ppm (400 ppm today). However, since the case of these kids would mean much less output and production by big companies like Exxon Mobile have joined the government in stern opposition. The 21 minors are determined to have some impact on reducing our carbon footprint on the dying world in the faces of the federal judiciary.

This article has everything to do with environment science because they activists are advocating for the health of the environment. These kids are inspiring and give me hope that our generation actually cares about cleaning up our act and is serious in doing so. It is awesome how these young kids are going up against one of the most powerful governments in the world and aren’t the least bit intimidated. They are standing up for what is right and what needs to be done for the better of the world and I respect them greatly for their courage. Hopefully they prove that the young generation can have some type of voice or influence on national affairs.

Climate Change Has Greatly Impacted the Global Economy

Bradley, G. (2015, October 25). US economy and households could face tough times due to Global Warming. Retrieved November 19, 2015, from

Not only has climate change directly impacted the health of the environment, but it has also directly affected the U.S. economy. Since global warming has altered the crop cycles and landscapes in many areas in the United States, the productivity of crops and the land has decreased. As a result, the cost of food could rise in the future, making people have to pay much more at the supermarket. Furthermore, the average GDP per capita has been negatively affected from the uptick in temperature in the United States.

Environmental science is relevant in this writing because there is an economic aspect of environmental science we learned this year. This article gives an unusual economic perspective on the effects of climate change. I always thought our excessive carbon output only affected the environment and animals within these habitats. However, it is alarming how much it has affected our own lives and economy and yet we continue to warm the globe with our careless and excessive use of resources. I have, along with most other people in California, have felt an influence on climate change in our houses, so this article was very relatable.


Organic Foods Becoming Much More Accessible in Alaska

Villarias, A. (2015, November 3). Climate Change News: Alaska Grows Organic Food in Tundra. Retrieved November 19, 2015, from /20151103 /climate-change-news-alaska-grows-organic-food-tundra.htm  


Because of our increased carbon output the temperatures have risen, especially in Alaska. Consequently, the ice on the ground has receded significantly. This Alaskan climate has changed so much that people are now growing organic crops on the ground in the Arctic. “This is very unusual,” says Tim Meyers, an Alaskan resident, “and I hate to say that but I guess I’m taking advantage of the fact that it is getting warmer.” This change in climate has given the state of Alaska a more reliable and stable food source.

I found this article to be very unique and to give an inside perspective on one of the rare ways global warming has had a slight positive effect on the quality of living. This has to do with environmental science because there is a significant change in the environment in this area and has a elicited a longer growing season. The increased growing season as a result of climate change can have positive or negative effects, but overall I think the climate will allow for more food production in the short run in these once freezing climates. The reduction of the ice cover in Alaska is sad because it is called the Arctic, but is now not exhibiting arctic-like weather.


Global Climate Change Exasperating Severe Drought

Climate Change. (2015, August 14). Retrieved November 19, 2015, from

This article aims to mention the far-reaching effects of global climate change on the water in California, since we are amidst the worst drought in recorded history. The most direct impact climate changes has imposed is upon the snowpack in the Sierra Mountains, which accounts for one-third of all water supply in California. Since the temperatures and climate has warmed considerably in this region, the snow melts much earlier and easier. As a result, the snow can’t store and hold water for later use. In addition to the diminished snowpack, the more volatile and extreme weather brought along by global warming has led to a severe drought across the entire state. Furthermore, the sea level has risen significantly which has proven to hurt the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and its sustainability. This delta is a huge source of drinking water for all of the Californians.

This article is related to environmental science in that the climate change has greatly affected the sustainability, health, patterns, and organisms of the Californian environment. Environmental scientific advancements and discoveries could prove to be extremely helpful in decreasing our carbon footprint and impact on global warming. I found this article to be very relevant because of how recent it was published and how I live in California and how the drought has affected my everyday life. It was helpful and eye-opening to read about the direct effects of climate change on the severe drought we are going through. This article emphasizes how drastic even such a little change in global temperature could have on the entire world and the environment.


Climate Change Proves Harmful to Human Health

Study Shows How Climate Change Threatens Health. (2015, August 15). Retrieved August 21, 2015 from


Another, perhaps one of the most directly alarming effects of climate change for people who do not have very advanced medical aid is that more deadly diseases are able to thrive in new areas. Before the warming of the globe, the once cooler conditions prevented disease carrying microbes and animals from intruding on these areas, such as malaria-carrying mosquitoes. As a result more people are becoming exposed to these terrible diseases that were once confined only in the tropics. Furthermore, deaths by heat stroke as a result of the more extreme temperatures have skyrocketed in areas without solace from the scorching heat.

The global impacts of the alteration of the atmospheric composition has already had innumerable effects on the world. Such effects can now basically be felt by every living thing on this planet. Even humans, who are purely responsible for the rapid climate change dying as a consequence of our actions. Surely, in the future even more deaths from the thriving diseases will occur. To me, this should be probably the most scary and obvious effect of my topic and if the entire world, not just a couple countries, does not act quickly and monumentally, then we are doomed for a disaster of an extinction.  

Global Climate Change Linked to Devastation of Coral Reefs

Heilman, Brandon. (2015, July 29). Effects of Increasing CO2 Levels on Coral Reefs. Retrieved August 21, 2015, from  


One of the biggest and most well known impacts of global warming is the coral bleaching. The warmer temperature in the ocean causes a decrease in oceanic oxygen levels, killing the algae living inside the coral reefs that then leads to the coral death. The slight rise in ocean temperature across the globe has caused a huge portion of coral reefs to be damaged and destroyed, for coral is a species with a specific optimal range of temperature. Since 25% of the marine wildlife who use coral reefs as habitats, such an increase in ocean temperature has proven to be extremely impactful. Furthermore, coral bleaching is an issue for the global economy because coral reefs are great tourist attractions, house many tasty fish, and provide a slight blockage of storm waves from destroying coastal areas.

I was drawn to this article because I have always wanted to snorkel and appreciate the stunning beauty of colorful vast coral reef, but have never had the chance to do it. However, if the ocean temperature continue to rise, then most people will never be able to experience what I wish to experience. This is another way global climate change directly impacts human lifestyle as well as the natural habitats of other animals. Widespread coral bleaching is a serious issue because without live coral reefs. an entire quarter of the sea wildlife will not have suitable home. This is not only bad for these marine animals, but it would also be a tragedy for fish-food lovers.

Algae Bloom Effects Felt Across Globe

Dey, Esha. (2015, August 10). A Huge Algae Bloom Off the Pacific Coast Is Poisoning Shellfish and Sea Lions | VICE News. Retrieved August 21, 2015, from


Recently, along the Pacific of the United States detrimental algal blooms have grown immensely. This growth in algae population is believed to be a direct effect of global climate change. The rise in average ocean temperature worldwide has created a much more favorable and suitable habitat for the harmful algae to grow and populate. Other climate impacts such as a rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, sea level, and changes in salinity and rainfall all positively influence growth of the algae. This toxic algae is bad new because it negatively affects human health and will hinder the U.S. economy along the coast. Furthermore, it is poisoning many sea lions and shellfish that dwell along the Pacific coast.

Again, this article exemplifies how influential global climate change is upon the Earth. Extensive knowledge in environmental science is vital to curb the increase in the unwanted algal population. I was drawn to this article because I find it very interesting how similar this situation is to the one with the mosquitoes in Hawaii. It is important for everyone to become exposed to news and instances like these because much of the global population is unaware of how much our actions greatly affect the environment and other populations. I now realize that one major effect of global climate change is the warming climate is providing a much more suitable environment for unwanted and foreign species that lead to the downfall of the native species.

Climate Change Hinders China’s Security

VomDick, W. (2015, August 14). Why Climate Change Could be China’s Biggest Security Threat. Retrieved August 21, 2015, from  


Ever since China has acknowledged the existence of global climate change in 2004, they have been working to help reduce their footprint on global warming. China should continue to tirelessly try to curb their environmental impact because they suffer additional consequences with their security. Global climate change has emerged as one of China’s biggest hindrance to security. The alarming rise in sea level threatens to submerge much of the country’s important and highly-populated. Consequently, large-scale flooding will cause much of the maritime area populations to retreat inland, which will hinder their economy in many ways. China will also surely suffer from an uptick of natural disasters in the future, for this extreme weather will destroy many important buildings and locations critical to China’s security. These locations that could be damaged include Three Georges Dam and many missile-launching sites. Finally the northern desertification will deplete all the resources necessary to support the Great Green Wall project, a huge line of trees planted to prevent desertification and help preserve fertile land.

This article has to do with environmental science because China and other large contributors to global climate change such as the United States have to find scientific solutions to this looming issue. It is crazy how soon we can see the effects of global climate change, even on people. I think it is a good wake up call for the human race to experience direct impact of global climate change. It will hopefully motivate and elicit more rigorous reform across the globe to stop global warming. China needs to respond to these very real threats soon or they will only worsen and make China a much more vulnerable country .


Bad News for Native Hawaiin Birds

ENN: Environmental News Network — Know Your Environment. (2015, July 20). Retrieved August 21, 2015 from

Hawaii is known to have a plethora beautiful, diverse bird species. However, due to global climate change, the survival of many of these species will be threatened in the future. Recently, the Hawaiian bird populations have been plagued by disease-carrying mosquitoes; such diseases include avian pox and malaria which have proven to be usually fatal for the birds. In the future, the number of Hawaiian birds deaths by these mosquitoes will continue to increase due to a spike in temperature in their region. The warming climate has forced these birds to flee to colder zones of higher altitude to find solace from the mosquitoes, who prefer a warmer climate. As the temperature keeps rising, the once cooler zones will be suitable habitats for the disease-carrying insects. As a result, these birds species will die off more rapidly. However, strong efforts to prevent this give the birds some hope for the future.

This article illustrates just one of the many individual devastating effects that global climate change has had on animals and their environment. Species like the Hawaiian native birds cannot simply adapt or evolve quickly enough in response to the alarmingly fast rate of climate change. Even the slightest change in temperature can screw up habitats for a specific species and negatively impact their population in a big way. This article is a scary sign of what is likely to come for many species in the future. Everyone needs to buy in on reversing the effects of global climate change and denial of its existence needs to change; global warming is staring us in the face. I like how the author gives a final paragraph about the future and I find the possible ways to help the birds interesting and realistic, like curbing mosquito population growth on a large scale.