Town of Oyster Bay. (2023, August 14). Free Oyster Harbor Cleanup & Marine Education expo. Town of Oyster Bay. 


The Free Oyster Harbor Cleanup & Marine Education Expo event offers both a cleanup opportunity and educational experience. People can participate in the cleanup of Oyster harbor while also participating in marine-focused educational activities. This event is to promote environmental awareness and restoration, combining hands-on cleanup efforts with informative sessions to foster a deeper understanding of marine ecosystems and their preservation.


This is an example of a town promoting their beach clean-up day because even the smaller efforts can make a difference. Once people are out there restoring the ecosystems, they are given a chance to learn more about marine wildlife and hopefully inspire them to care about the wildlife in their area.  


AFIMSC. (2023, July 23). 354th fighter wing launches broad outreach effort in support of environmental cleanup oper. Eielson Air Force Base. 


The 354th Fighter Wing Air Force has initiated an outreach campaign to promote environmental cleanup operations. Through extensive engagement, the wing aims to gather strong support for many cleanup efforts. This approach highlights the wing’s dedication to effective environmental management, emphasizing community involvement and cooperation to complete successful cleanup operations.


The Air Force has also made it a priority to get the community involved. This issue is getting national attention from all groups around the world. Environmental restoration is key because of the impact pollution and contamination has had the last 20 years. Not only do we need to help the future, but also fix the past. 

Hurd. (2023, February 23). Army’s environmental restoration program revitalizes contaminated lands. 


The Army’s Environmental Restoration Program is effectively restoring polluted areas. By targeting polluted sites, the program is planning successful revitalization efforts. This plan signifies the Army’s commitment to restoring the environment and repurposing once-polluted areas, showcasing a great stride towards better land management.


The Army is also contributing and demonstrating attempts to preserve, restore and fix harmed lands by pollution through clean-ups. This kind of evidence on a national level shows that it does not matter how much you have, everyone must help preserve ecosystems. 

Ashford. (2023, May 17). Cleanup Operations at Oil Discharge Scene Near Washington, Kansas, Shift to Restoration. EPA. 


Cleanup operations at the oil discharge site near Washington, KS, are moving towards restoration efforts. At first there were minimal clean-up changes, the focus is now shifting to restoring the affected area. This shift signifies a move towards long-term environmental recovery, demonstrating progress in addressing the effects of the oil discharge incident.


Once again the operations regarding maintaining ecosystems in the area get the public involved with environmental clean-ups directly applying to the topic. There is a lot of dedication from the workers that improve the life at the creek where the oil is infected.

NJ finalizes bigger settlement for Toms River Cleanup | NJ spotlight news. NJ Spotlight News. (2023, August 17) 


The Toms River cleanup agreement has increased funds and additional land. The deal which is addressing environmental contamination, has resulted in a larger financial distribution and expanded land resources for better cleanup. This development is a great step towards effectively ending pollution concerns in Toms River.


The Toms River in New Jersey is in need of cleaning, so an agreement has been made to put efforts into cleaning up the pollution in the river and conserving the natural body of water. This is environmental cleaning and in doing so, they are restoring the wildlife that lives in the river’s ecosystem. 

Free Oyster Harbor Cleanup & Marine Education expo. Town of Oyster Bay.

The Free Oyster Harbor Cleanup & Marine Education Expo event offers both a cleanup opportunity and educational experience. People can participate in the cleanup of Oyster harbor while also participating in marine-focused educational activities. This event is to promote environmental awareness and restoration, combining hands-on cleanup efforts with informative sessions to foster a deeper understanding of marine ecosystems and their preservation.

This is an example of a town promoting their beach clean-up day because even the smaller efforts can make a difference. Once people are out there restoring the ecosystems, they are given a chance to learn more about marine wildlife and hopefully inspire them to care about the wildlife in their area.  

Town of Oyster Bay. (2023, April 14). Free Oyster Harbor Cleanup & Marine Education expo. Town of Oyster Bay. 

354th fighter wing launches broad outreach effort in support of environmental cleanup oper

The 354th Fighter Wing Air Force has initiated an outreach campaign to promote environmental cleanup operations. Through extensive engagement, the wing aims to gather strong support for many cleanup efforts. This approach highlights the wing’s dedication to effective environmental management, emphasizing community involvement and cooperation to complete successful cleanup operations.


The Air Force has also made it a priority to get the community involved. This issue is getting national attention from all groups around the world. Environmental restoration is key because of the impact pollution and contamination has had the last 20 years. Not only do we need to help the future, but also fix the past.

AFIMSC. (2023, June 23). 354th fighter wing launches broad outreach effort in support of environmental cleanup oper. Eielson Air Force Base. 

Army’s environmental restoration program revitalizes contaminated lands

The Army’s Environmental Restoration Program is effectively restoring polluted areas. By targeting polluted sites, the program is planning successful revitalization efforts. This plan signifies the Army’s commitment to restoring the environment and repurposing once-polluted areas, showcasing a great stride towards better land management.


The Army is also contributing and demonstrating attempts to preserve, restore and fix harmed lands by pollution through clean-ups. This kind of evidence on a national level shows that it does not matter how much you have, everyone must help preserve ecosystems.

Hurd. (2023, February 23). Army’s environmental restoration program revitalizes contaminated lands. 

Cleanup Operations at Oil Discharge Scene Near Washington, Kansas, Shift to Restoration

Cleanup operations at the oil discharge site near Washington, KS, are moving towards restoration efforts. At first there were minimal clean-up changes, the focus is now shifting to restoring the affected area. This shift signifies a move towards long-term environmental recovery, demonstrating progress in addressing the effects of the oil discharge incident.

Once again the operations regarding maintaining ecosystems in the area get the public involved with environmental clean-ups directly applying to the topic. There is a lot of dedication from the workers that improve the life at the creek where the oil is infected. 

Ashford. (2023, May 17). Cleanup Operations at Oil Discharge Scene Near Washington, Kansas, Shift to Restoration. EPA. 

NJ finalizes bigger settlement for Toms River Cleanup

The Toms River cleanup agreement has increased funds and additional land. The deal which is addressing environmental contamination, has resulted in a larger financial distribution and expanded land resources for better cleanup. This development is a great step towards effectively ending pollution concerns in Toms River.


The Toms River in New Jersey is in need of cleaning, so an agreement has been made to put efforts into cleaning up the pollution in the river and conserving the natural body of water. This is environmental cleaning and in doing so, they are restoring the wildlife that lives in the river’s ecosystem. 

NJ finalizes bigger settlement for Toms River Cleanup | NJ spotlight news. NJ Spotlight News. (2023, August 17)