
Mearian, L (2014, November 21st) Flurry of hydrogen fuel cell cars challenge all-electric vehicles


A newer type of automobile has recently been introduced ad will be hitting the market in 2015. This new type of vehicle is a hydrogen fuel cell car. These cars use hydrogen as a source of power and simply release water vapor as exhaust. Another awesome feature about these cars is that they have a very fast recharge time unlike electric cars. Car companies are promising public charging stations, which is also really cool.


This relates to environmental science because these cars are super great for the environment and are super promising. This was my first time really looking into this new type of car and I was really impressed. I think when they come out they could really make a huge difference. Hopefully the release dates will not be pushed back any further and the claims will all be true.


Lee, M (2014,December 2nd) State’s gasoline use is on the rise


California’s gas consumption is on the rise. California already uses more gasoline than other state. More and more highways are appearing all throughout California as more and more people crowd the busy roads. Starting next year fuel producers will have to buy pollution allowances to make up for the emissions from their products.


This article relates to environmental science because pollution from traffic is a huge problem in major cities throughout the United States. In cities like Los Angeles the pollution is literally visible in the air. I wasn’t surprised California uses the most gasoline considered how populated the cities are.



Hower, M (2014, November 18th) Boeing ecoDemonstrator 787 Tests 25 Eco-friendly Innovations


The Boeing ecoDemonstrator 787 has recently been testing out 25 new technologies to improve aviation’s environmental impacts.  Some of these improvements include new outer wings made out of recycled materials, adding different mechanical systems to lessen the weight and Instrument landing systems for new and older aircraft to optimize landings and reduce fuel use. Also, this airline plans on testing different biofuels this upcoming summer.


This is super relevant to environmental science because airplanes are literally constantly flying so finding way to make them more environmentally friendly would make a pretty big impact. I thought the idea of using recycled materials was a pretty cool idea because it takes a ton of resources to build a plane. I also thought using biofuel in planes is a great idea.


Shabad, R (2014, November 23rd) Ex-Transportation chief: US roads and bridges ‘on life support’


Roads and bridges in the U.S are becoming in more and more need of repairs. Over 70,00 road and bridges in the U.S need to be repaired. Experts say there just isn’t enough money to take of all the damage. The last time we had enough money to do something big with our infrastructure, we had to raise the tax on gas and right now that’s the last thing politicians want to do.


This doesn’t directly relate straight to environmental science but when I found this article I automatically thought of a major way they relate. With roads and bridges that aren’t safe, how will we be able to achieve an efficient transportation system? After researching the topic of transportation, I’ve realized how essential it is and with more and more people we need to make it better for the earth. We need to have a good basic surface to evolve from.


Gordon-Bloomfield, N (2014, November 18th) Nissan LEAF Leaves Home, Joins the U.S. Air Force For Largest V2G Study Yet: Transport EVOLVED


The Nissan LEAF is the world’s most popular electric car. It was designed for suburban/family life, full of errands and basic daily activities. Recently, 13 LEAFs have moved from subruban life to the U.S. Air Force. These cars are joining in on the biggest vehicle to grid project in world history. Vehicle to grid technology has become a bigger deal after the disaster in Japan. The Air Force is using this as a backup source of power but also as basic transportation across the base.


This story relates to environmental science in a couple different ways. First, using electric cars in a busy area like an Air Force base saves a ton of gas and it is much better for the environment. Secondly, it allows us to have a backup or emergency source of power in case of a disaster. Personally, I thought this was a really cool idea and seems like it could really make a big difference if the trend spreads.