Transportation: Ratings focus attention on problem bridges

Horseman, J. (2014, November 22). Transportation: Ratings focus attention on problem bridges. Retrieved November 22, 2014, from The Press Enterprise website:


Bridges all over California are being inspected and rated on the strength of their infrastructure. Many bridges have been rated “structurally deficient” which doesn’t mean the bridges are about to collapse, but they need to be reviewed. If a bridge were to be reviewed as “too dangerous” for the general public, the Caltrans officials would close the bridge. These ratings are only “an indication of a poorly performing infrastructure that will cause more problems in the future.” Tax money is dedicated to “bridge repair projects” if the “conditions found during field inspections and documented in bridge inspection reports” are bad.

This article shows that the infrastructure Californians rely on, is having neglected maintenance. If large amounts of money are being spent on bridges that are “structurally deficient,” who’s supposed to be clearing them for cars to drive on? Shouldn’t there be certain checkpoints of safety that the bridge must undergo? It’s a complete waste of money to spend time and effort on a bridge that will be structurally deficient and then need even more money to repair it. It makes more sense to do it right the first time and prevent casualties and deaths as a result of a poorly built bridge.