High Pollution equals Cardiac Arrest

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. (2014, October 7). High-pollution days linked to increased risk of cardiac arrest. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 23, 2014 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/10/141007091653.htm

Rates of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest are elevated after days with high levels of our pollutants.  The study included 559 patient of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest between the year of 2000 and 2010.  The data proposed that cardiac arrest rates were higher a few days after increased levels of several air pollutants.  There was a 40% increase in risk 72 to 96 hours after days with higher ozone levels.

I think for most of us as we read this story, it is not a surprise information but rather a fact.  As we all know, air pollutants can choke a person whether or not they have a problem with their heart.  If they do have a problem with their heart, having a cardiac arrest is an addition to the consequences of exposing themselves in a polluted air.