California Missed Pollution Deadline

The Los Angeles area is unlikely to make a deadline set for themselves in 2015 to clean coot from their air. The chief smog-fighting agency recently approved a plan to change their deadline for cleaning the soot out of the air, blaming the drought in California for the lack of decline in fine particle pollution. The agency will likely ask for an extension up to the year of 2017. With this extension being approved by a 10-1 vote, many air quality experts are up in arms saying that Southern California needs to do more and by missing this deadline it shows that not enough is being done, despite their being a drought.


I am disappointed that California is extending their deadlines and making excuses for this extremely important issue. The issue of smog is extremely relevant to southern Californian’s and it’s visibility, although decreasing is absolutely disgusting. While I understand the drought likely played a role in the original deadline not being met, I would like to see more statistics on their progress rather than just extending their deadline. I hope by the end of next year the new deadline will be met so they can continue to decrease the smog levels in Southern California.