Return of London’s Fog


Since the beginning of 2015 the air quality in London has been decreasing and exceeding the air pollution levels. Since the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution had an increase in the amount of burning fuels and the air pollution increased. In 1952, polluted fog which lasted about 5 days killed 4,000 people . Vehicles are the main source of pollution in London today. Although, the Clean Air Act was passed in that city since 1956 the air doesn’t seem to be getting better because of the pollution from vehicles.

Cars are causing a great impact in the air quality, not just in London but in the whole world. It is important that everyone understands that it is better to find better ways of transportation that will not pollute the air as much. Although, an initiative was taken in London since 1956 the air is not getting better. I think it is important that everyone tries whatever they can, like reduce the amount of times they drive, because the air is getting polluted everyday and someday it will be extremely polluted.


European Air Pollution Harming Health

“Air Pollution Still Harming Health across Europe.” — European Environment Agency (EEA). N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2014.

According to current standards, a majority of people living in Europe do not live in a healthy environment due to air pollution. “Around 90 % of city dwellers in the European Union (EU) are exposed to one of the most damaging air pollutants at levels deemed harmful to health by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This result comes from the latest assessment of air quality in Europe, published by the European Environment Agency (EEA).” This pollution is not restricted to only those living in cities however, as many people living in rural areas have significant amount of air pollution and are over the standard for living. Over the past decade, European cities have taken steps to reduce air pollution by cutting emissions of air pollutants.


This article’s purpose was to inform and scare readers living in European cities that their living in below standard air. Although precautions are being taken to help reduce the air pollutions by cutting emissions of air pollutants among other obvious things such as suggesting carpooling and public transportation, the air in European cities is still in bad shape. This article also states that most European citizens are unaware that they have a pollution problem; by alerting them and gaining their attention many citizens will takes strides to help control the air pollution. Everybody needs to be aware, and everyone needs to play a part in getting the air above the standards for what is healthy to live in.