Air in China Labeled Hazardous

“China’s Air Pollution Reaches ‘crisis’ Level.” The Globe and Mail. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2014.

The United States embassy in Beijing China labeled the city as being hazardous only a few months ago. The air in China was also called “barely suitable for human life.” Although not having the worst air in the world, thanks to India, the pollution in China is so bad that officials have recommended not traveling to the country as it is hazardous. The Chinese government is doing everything in their power to reduce the air pollution, but due to the monumental numbers of industries, China’s air is not on a speedy recovery course. The smog in China has been called indefensible at this point by newspapers, who are also calling the atmosphere surrounding China an invisible killer. The current government in China has promised change, but are not fulfilling their promises.

The air in China has gotten so bad it is uncontrollable. The author criticizes China’s government for not taking the necessary precautions to eliminating this titanic issue. This article was written to warn those visiting China and also alarm Chinese citizens that the current government isn’t fulfilling the promises they made to the country about eliminating air pollution. By calling Beijing barely suitable for human life the author is making a powerful statement which alarms readers on the severity of this conflict. Air pollution in China is taking years off of many people’s lives and the issue has to be addressed with more urgency.