
Shabad, R (2014, November 23rd) Ex-Transportation chief: US roads and bridges ‘on life support’


Roads and bridges in the U.S are becoming in more and more need of repairs. Over 70,00 road and bridges in the U.S need to be repaired. Experts say there just isn’t enough money to take of all the damage. The last time we had enough money to do something big with our infrastructure, we had to raise the tax on gas and right now that’s the last thing politicians want to do.


This doesn’t directly relate straight to environmental science but when I found this article I automatically thought of a major way they relate. With roads and bridges that aren’t safe, how will we be able to achieve an efficient transportation system? After researching the topic of transportation, I’ve realized how essential it is and with more and more people we need to make it better for the earth. We need to have a good basic surface to evolve from.

3 thoughts on “Transportation

  1. I really appreciated your research Taylor. I found it very interesting that over 70,000 bridges in the U.S. need to be repaired, but it has to come out of taxpayers money. Does the government have any ideas for preventing these bridge problems in the future? Regulations? Check-points for bridge building companies so all infrastructure is sound before we drive on them?

  2. I found it very interesting with the statistics you provided. Of the 70,000 bridges that need repair, are they unused, or are people still using those bridges? How needed is it for those bridges to be repaired?

  3. I thought it was really surprising that 70,000 bridges needed to be repaired as that’s quite a large number for something like this. I understand that increasing taxes is a necessity since it’s a large project, but can’t some people sponsor it and do it pro bono? Without a solution, I’m worried our society will diminish because having transpiration is very important which you described, so without it what will our world look like?

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