Just How Badly Are We Overfishing the Oceans?

Plumer, Brad. “Just How Badly Are We Overfishing the Oceans?” Washington Post. . . The Washington Post, n.d. Web. 23 Aug. 2015

The technology that man has created is being used to wage war on the fish in the ocean. The height of fisheries peaked in the 1990’s, and since then some species of sport fish have dropped 90%. One pessimistic view suggests that fish stocks will collapse by the mid century. A study suggests that the United States is leading the charge to quell overfishing. The US has been using limits and caps on how many fish are taken each year.


This article provides charts and statistics on the effect and extent of our overfishing. Overfishing is a serious problem that the US is helping to remedy. However, the populations of fish in the Pacific is much lower than it should be. It also shines light on the two schools of thought that concern this epidemic. And while the US is doing well in their efforts, they arent doing enough. Fish stocks continue to fall, and species like Cod and Hake are not recovering like they were expected to.


3 thoughts on “Just How Badly Are We Overfishing the Oceans?

  1. You said that the U.S. was leading the way to stop overfishing, what other countries are doing a lot to prevent overfishing? And i found it very interesting and scary that in theory by the 2050’s our fish stocks could collapse.

  2. Its great how the US is helping this effort but their contribution migt not be enough. Other countries should be aware of this problem too and try to stop and change this problem, so that there can be an evident change in all our oceans.

  3. I think this article shows how important it is that we implore other nations to join in on the effort. It can be hard to think in the long-term about there problems, but if these theories about fish stocks are true, we may not have enough time to worry about the future.

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