The Components of Composting

Goldstein, N and Platt, B. (2014, July 16). State of Composting in the USA. BioCycle |            The Organics Recycling Authority.

Retrieved August 11, 2015 from


Composting is a technique of recycling where old food scraps, paper, and cardboard is used to created new soil. This technique lessens the amount of waste loaded into landfills, creates stronger soil structure, provides greater soil quality, and increases the amount of water able to be held in soil. Along with improving the soil contents by composting, composting creates jobs for the US. In many states like California, they have started to enforce composting by supplying composting bins to each house, and many states have started to join California. Composting creates jobs at the composting facilities, composting supply services, and jobs that supply the tools to compost at home. Since composting boosts the economy with the addition of jobs, many states in the US have started to encourage composting into daily life of citizens.

This article supports composting and provides many statistics to why composting has benefited the communities that have adopted composting and have started to use it more frequently. Composting not only improves the environment, but also the community, which is what the article strongly expresses as to why the US should enforce more laws about it. The authors also write about how composting is a simple way to recycle, but the public needs to know exactly what they can and cannot compost. It is encouraged that states make more campaigns about composting and the correct way to do it.

3 thoughts on “The Components of Composting

  1. Are there any economic or financial benefits to composting? or solely environmental? I like that you included that sentence about how important it is to do it right with composting, and how that can make or break the whole thing.

  2. I never had thought of composting as economically beneficial but as you said it can create jjobs and lower the unemployment percent. What types of regulations are they discussing regarding nationwide composting? That seems difficult to put in place.

    • I was wondering that too, Katie. It had never occurred to me that by composting jobs were created. Beneficial for the economy and environment. pretty cool.

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