Managed Bees

Garvey, Kathy. “Managed Bees Spread and Intensify Diseases in Wild Bees.” ScienceDaily.

ScienceDaily, 5 Nov. 2015. Web. 21 Nov. 2015. <>.

Recent studies done in the University of California has examines the effects imported bees and bumblebees have on native bees. Research showed that imported bees carried diseases that affected the state of the native. Even though, not all of the managed bees carry diseases it’s been proven that they still stress local bees which can easily affect and cause trauma in the native species. The article also mentioned that there are not enough regulations on the import and export of bees, which can make it easier for these diseases to spread all around the world which can have a dangerous impact in our agricultural industry.

This article focused on the importance of bees to our survival. Many people sometimes do not realize the heavy reliance we have on this one species. Without them our agricultural industry would suffer as well as us. There should be more regulations when importing these managed bees to different types of the world. Screening tests should become mandatory to make sure that the species does not carry any harmful diseases that might otherwise harm the state of native bees.

4 thoughts on “Managed Bees

  1. I never really thought about the regulation of bees or that invasive bees could cause problems for our world. Do you think it’s possible to really regulate bees or is it too hard to keep track of something that is so small (and can fly!)?

  2. i agree that bees are extremely important to us and that protecting them is important but i also agree with molly that trying to manage such tiny things is very difficult and probably very expensive.

  3. I agree with both Eddie and Molly that it is extremely important to protect the bees. It might be too difficult to take care of bees. Should there be other methods to protect bees that are inexpensive?

  4. Thank you for commenting! And i definitely think that if there are more restrictions on the imports of bees and regulations on how to handle them we can definitely avoid some of the problems that these bees have on the native species.

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