New Wasp Species Emerging

Forbes, Andrew. “Caught in the Act: New Wasp Species Emerging.” ScienceDaily.

ScienceDaily, 29 Oct. 2015. Web. 21 Nov. 2015. <>. 

In a new recent scientific research done by many prestigious universities, finds that the North American fruit fly has evolved and that it can join the havoc that  three new different wasp species have done to apple farms in the United States. The fruit fly had been a problem in apple farms every since the 1850s. Researchers found that the fruit fly had changes in feeding and mating habits which has caused it to become two diverse species. This is all because of the different time cycles it takes for apple trees to grow.

This article not only talks about the atrocious effects invasive species can have in our agriculture industry, but that also these species can become dominant enough to evolve and create more havoc in the future. With new research emerging in regards to invasive species, our environmental consciousness might rise.

3 thoughts on “New Wasp Species Emerging

  1. I didn’t realize that small, minor fruitflies could cause so much damage to the environment and our agriculture. Now that I know, we should continue researching how to safely suppress their rapid development.

  2. Thank you for commenting! And i believe that we have to prioritize when it comes to this subject. If there are many native species that are in danger because of specific invasive species then we should definitely invest more money to stop it.

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