Soil Erosion in California Article 4



The soil erosion being experienced by California right now is destroying farmland as well as many coastal regions, but it is also damaging infrastructure. The increasing prevalence of soil erosion is causing people to be worried about the possible destruction of levees, which could cause significant damage to California. The levees are being weakened by the eroding of the soil, which could potentially lead to high repair costs.


Soil erosion could lead to lots of damage to our infrastructure this year; it can damage bridges, roads, levees, and other public structures. This widespread damage could lead to repair costs, which could have financial consequences on the state of California. There could be lots of accidents and potentially injuries because of erosion damaging structures.There must be steps taken to protect the residents, and there needs to be more funding for maintaining these structures.


El Nasser, H. (2015, September 22). California drought and impending El Niño raise fears of 

levee breaks. Retrieved November 23, 2015, from

4 thoughts on “Soil Erosion in California Article 4

  1. Soil erosion is a scary phenomenon, especially when you consider all of its wide-reaching effects, especially with El Niño coming to wash away a lot of loose soil. What steps do you think we could take to help stop this?

  2. This is very true. Soil erosion, with El Nino approaching, is becoming more of a deal and I think people need to take action to help our infrasturcture not collapse at the sight of the El Nino rains.

  3. Thank you guys for your comments! In order to combat this situation, there may need to be updates to many of the older levees, and walls may need to be installed in order to stop the erosion of the soil. However, this is not a cure-all; so more problems could continue to arise.

  4. soil erosion is very bad for the environment because it makes the soil basically unusable for a very long time. what is being done to prevent it?

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