Solar cell printer

Amazing solar cell printer makes energy-generating photographs. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2016, from


In Finland, researchers were able to create a solar cell printer that can print any desired picture. The actual image of the solar cell is made out of photovoltaic ink, which harnesses the sun’s heat and and convert a section of it into energy. Dye-sensitized solar cells are also used to fully create the image. At the same time while all of this is occurring, the image is generating energy from the sun. Scientists specially created photovoltaic ink along with semi-transparent solar cell to print the actual image on.


Solar cell technology is a very innovative way to help and create more environmental friendly technology. This piece of technology is able to help devices that are not able to create power for very long. This tool will not only power and generate the device but will be part of the visual design. Solar cells also help create energy from the sun instead of using up electricity.


2 thoughts on “Solar cell printer

  1. This is really cool! I’m not sure about the image quality of the solar cell printer, but the way it functions already sounds so fascinating. I’m curious: how fast does it print? With a few tweaks in terms of efficiency and good marketing, I feel like in the future this could totally compete with existing printers.

  2. I think this is great. A support to the plastic use of 3-D printer. And yes if this is marketed right, it would be a really good market product.

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