Monthly Biodiesel Production Report

“Monthly Biodiesel Production Report.” U.S. Energy and Information Administration, 31 Oct.




This report gives an in depth description of all of the production of biofuel that has happened in the US from 2016 to today. All but 13 states have at least one producer of biofuel, whereas some have as many as 11, like California (go us). Production in August 2018 was 169 million gallons of biofuel. This number was 5 million higher than the production of July 2018. 77 million of these gallons were sold as B100, 100% pure biofuel, and the remaining as mixes of biodiesel with some components derived from petroleum.



This article is yet another tell tale sign that we are taking steps in the right direction as a nation. Each month, we produce and sell more and more biofuel to companies that run our economy. If these corporate giants begin to use biofuel frequently, and in higher quantities, than our environment will reap the benefits. It is a difficult switch to make because it is not know and may not be as cost efficient, but it as sure as hell is environmentally friendly and more sustainable. With the national average of biofuel produced and sold each year increasing each year, the vision of a sustainable and low emission US is not too far off.


4 thoughts on “Monthly Biodiesel Production Report

  1. It is great to hear about the advancements in such an environmentally important field. Biofuel is one the most important things that we can do to prevent further damage to our planet, and I am very glad that we are finally starting to increase the usage of it.

    • Thank you for leaving a comment. I appreciate your recognition that biofuel is a step in the right direction. I just hope many others out there will share the same mentality soon enough.

    • Thank you for the question. I cannot say exactly, but I would assume that wealthier states would have the capacity to produce more biofuel. Then again there are states similar to California that are bigger advocates for the environments and do not have as much money that likely produce a lot of biofuel.

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