Explosive Growth on Advanced Biofuel Market

Denis, Sunny. “Explosive Growth on Advanced Biofuel Market Is Record an Exponential at +47% CAGR by 2026: Focusing on Top Key Player like Algenol, Diamond Green Diesel, DuPont, Fiberight, GranBio, Emerald Biofuels.” MarketWatch, 23 Feb. 2019, www.marketwatch.com/press-release/explosive-growth-on-advanced-biofuel-market-is-record-an-exponential-at-47-cagr-by-2026-focusing-on-top-key-player-like-algenol-diamond-green-diesel-dupont-fiberight-granbio-emerald-biofuels-2019-02-23.



This article simply goes over a few predictions and expectation for the global biofuel industry over the coming years and decades. By 2026, the global biofuel industry is expected to grow 35 billion in US dollars. The reason for this speculation is because of an increasingly high yield of raw materials. Between now and 2026, the industry is anticipated to grow approximately 47 percent. It is also estimated to occupy the largest market share in production.



At first glance, these are some great numbers. With more focus on biofuels, there will be less room for non sustainable fuels. An annual increase like the one predicted is very large and would benefit the industry greatly. Yet we still must take these prediction with a grain of salt. Because, well, they are predictions. I am aware that they are based on solid data, yet it does not mean we should believe they are set in stone. We must be eager to push growth like this, but also be weary that it may not go as we expect.


Breakthroughs in Renewable Biofuels Production

Muanya, Chukwuma. Breakthroughs in Renewable Biofuels Production. The Guardian Nigeria Newspaper – Nigeria and World News, 21 Nov. 2018, www.guardian.ng/features/science/breakthroughs-in-renewable-biofuels-production/



This article talks about recent discoveries by researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. They have found that is is possible to generate electricity from water evaporating. The machine created transfers the energy from movement of bacterial as humidity increases to usable electricity. It is speculated that this could solve many water and energy issues that are present in the world. This technology, in theory, could be used around a lake, ocean or pretty much any body of water as long as evaporation occurs.



I know this is not traditional biofuel, but I thought this article was pretty interesting. It did discuss a few of the inefficiencies that biofuel production comes with. Just as we discovered biofuel, we have discovered a energy source in something as simple as evaporation. The idea that we now have the capacity of translating the mechanical energy of bacteria moving into usable electricity is amazing. This goes to show how much we do not know and how much is left to discover.

An Algal Biofuel Obituary

Rapier, Robert. An Algal Biofuel Obituary. Forbes Magazine, 22 Oct. 2018, www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2018/10/22/an-algal-biofuel-obituary/#324744766fb4



This article describes the reality of creating fuel from Algae. Whatever has been displayed on commercials and other news sources have been false claims. Many corporations have claimed to be able to create thousands of gallons of fuel from available algae at an economically feasible rate. Yes, fuel can be made from algae, but it is terribly inefficient. A large amount of money has been dumped into research and industrialization of making fuel from algae and, to an extent, it has been a waste.



It is disappointing that algae is not an efficient source of fuel and that it is not a viable source to conventional fuel. But more importantly, this article highlights the naivety in governments and the drive for profit of companies. The US government put tax dollars into projects that were supported by mere claims that it could work. This obituary to algae as a viable source of fuel should be a learning point for most of us. As much as we want to find alternatives, sometimes it just does not work and will create a hole of time and money.

Breakthrough Could See Bacteria Used as Cell Factories to Produce Biofuels

Herrema, Martin. “Breakthrough Could See Bacteria Used as Cell Factories to Produce Biofuels.” ScienceDaily, 29 Aug. 2018, www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/08/180829115547.htm



This article is about a new technique that biologists have developed for manipulating small cell structures. This manipulated structures can have a variety if uses in the biotechnical world. The few large and viable applications are for the production of biofuels and vaccines. For biofuel, the researchers restructured components of cells to allow for the creation of nano-factories. These small powerhouses have the ability to convert sugars into usable fuels. It is currently unclear how this can be scaled up.



Despite the lack of ability to scale this operation up right now, it is still very much needed. In fact, any development like this is needed. Even if they may not be very useful on a large scale, they continue to hone our research and focus. This method could even be largely applicable one day, and no development should be stopped unless it has been deemed 100% ineffective. In addition, I think that cells have abilities that we may not know about, and we should continue this kind of research as a breakthrough in the smallest component of life could be a disruptive one.

India Makes Breakthrough In Biofuel Development

Zaremba, Haley. “India Makes Breakthrough In Biofuel Development.” OilPrice.com, 2 Jan. 2019,www.oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Biofuels/India-Makes-Breakthrough-In-Biofuel-Development.html



This article discusses a recent breakthrough from an Indian research team regarding the process of making biofuel. At the National Chemical Laboratory in Pune, India, this group of researchers discovered a new version of a zeolite catalyst. This catalyst is HPW/Meso-Hz-5. Essentially what this does is speed up the process of conversion of the organic material through different states. Since India is a massive producer of rice, wheat and sugarcane, they have vast amounts of waste that could be used. If the new catalyst is implemented, it could create a new wave of economic benefits, jobs, and sustainability for India.



With this article being so recent, I have high hopes for this breakthrough. It seems to be economically feasible and open many doors to new opportunities in the economy and more. It also goes to show that there are researchers all over the world pushing and pushing to find alternatives to what we currently have. Cases like these demonstrate that there is not only one way. Just because making biofuel in the past has not been efficient does not mean it cannot be efficient soon.

Midwest Trump Voters Losing Faith in His Commitment to Biofuels

The National Biodiesel Board. “Midwest Trump Voters Losing Faith in His Commitment to Biofuels.” Biodiesel Magazine – The Latest News and Data About Biodiesel Production, 4 June 2018, www.biodieselmagazine.com/articles/2516380/midwest-trump-voters-losing-faith-in-his-commitment-to-biofuels.



This short article discusses the Midwest’s disappointment with the president and and his failure to follow through on a commitment. In Iowa, Minnesota, and Missouri, voters overwhelmingly support the growth of renewable energy and biofuels. Two-thirds of republicans and three-fourths of independents say that the US should make efforts to boost the biofuel industry. It is a total of 73% of voters agreeing on this. Trump claimed he would defend and support rural farmers, gaining him number in the polls back in 2016, but now he has failed to support their interest. He has not been a man of his word to the farmers of the midwest.



I can’t say that I don’t have a bias to this as many things that Trump has done when it comes climate change and environmental issues, but this is something great to hear. The people wanted support renewable fuel, and he did not follow through. No matter the political party or issue at hand, when a government official makes a promise to do something for the people, they should do it. When things don’t go as we would like to go in government, it is our duty to speak out for change, especially with regards to climate change. Climate change is real and we must do what we can to slow the process, and if republicans in Iowa want growth in the renewable fuel industry, give them growth.


Biofuel Success Story

“EERE Success Story-From Breakfast to Biocrude: Study Identifies Production Potential across Nation.” Department of Energy, 20 June 2018, www.energy.gov/eere/success-stories/articles/eere-success-story-breakfast-biocrude-study-identifies-production.



This article talks about a success story of converting the energy in food waste to usable fuel. Researchers took data all across the nation and found countless places with the capacity to  produce biocrude oil. These places had to have enough food or animal waste that was able to be converted into biocrude to be considered. After compiling the results, they estimated that the United States could produce approximately 5.9 billion gallons of biocrude oil per year from these places. These numbers reveal an opportunity that is not being taken advantage of.



In August alone the US produced 170 million gallons of biofuel, giving a yearly estimate of about 2 billion gallons of biofuel. If this research is sound, and the US really does have the capacity to produce 5.9 billion gallons of biocrude oil, than our biofuel production would increase nearly four-fold. The more biofuel we use, the less fossil fuels we are burning, and ultimately the less carbon dioxide we put into our atmosphere. If this estimated production is accurate, than the world of biofuel in the US will change dramatically. All food waste and left over oil could be converted to fuel which would then go back into producing more food. A potential sustainable cycle.


Monthly Biodiesel Production Report

“Monthly Biodiesel Production Report.” U.S. Energy and Information Administration, 31 Oct.

2018, www.eia.gov/biofuels/biodiesel/production/



This report gives an in depth description of all of the production of biofuel that has happened in the US from 2016 to today. All but 13 states have at least one producer of biofuel, whereas some have as many as 11, like California (go us). Production in August 2018 was 169 million gallons of biofuel. This number was 5 million higher than the production of July 2018. 77 million of these gallons were sold as B100, 100% pure biofuel, and the remaining as mixes of biodiesel with some components derived from petroleum.



This article is yet another tell tale sign that we are taking steps in the right direction as a nation. Each month, we produce and sell more and more biofuel to companies that run our economy. If these corporate giants begin to use biofuel frequently, and in higher quantities, than our environment will reap the benefits. It is a difficult switch to make because it is not know and may not be as cost efficient, but it as sure as hell is environmentally friendly and more sustainable. With the national average of biofuel produced and sold each year increasing each year, the vision of a sustainable and low emission US is not too far off.


7 US Biofuel Stocks to Consider

Kay, Amanda. “7 US Biofuel Stocks to Consider.” Investing News Network, 7 Sept. 2018,




This article looks at seven possible biofuel stocks that investors should take a look at when trying to make an investment. Without investigating the detail of each stock, the article implies that each one of these companies is succeeding and growing in the biofuel industry. Each of the seven companies suggested have a market cap in the hundreds of millions. The companies have had success and, with more advertising and breakthroughs, are anticipated to have even more success in the near future.



Knowing the economy of the US, when a company enters the stock market with known success, they are likely to be a target of investors. The more a company is invested in, the more likely they are to have more success. Especially with the industry of biofuel, proper investment is essential to success. We know it is possible to make sustainable fuel, but many people are not convinced it will make them money, so they won’t invest. But if they become sold on the idea of biofuel, than there may be just enough money to continue the growth in the industry that we are seeing. The more investors there are, the more likely the biofuel industry is to succeed, and ultimately the more likely we are to improve our emissions and quality of environment.

U.S. Bioenergy Statistics

Capehart, Thomas. “U.S. Bioenergy Statistics.” USDA ERS – Food Environment Atlas, 7 Nov.

2018, www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/us-bioenergy-statistics/



This article gives an overview of the usage of biofuel in the US, and what materials contribute to the production of biofuel. With many statistics given in the forms of tables, it is apparent that the US has began to use more and more biofuel as time goes on. Most of this production of biofuel comes from corn. Ethanol contributes to approximately ninety percent of all biofuel production in the US. The rest of it is comprised of biodiesel. Similar to ethanol, biodiesel uses plants. But instead of corn, it is made up of vegetable oils. The majority of the oil used is soy oil.



To look at numbers as the ones in this article is a something that gives hope. With a country like the US, there is massive amounts of carbon and non-sustainable waste produced each day. But with numbers showing a gradual increase in the use of biofuel is very good sign. Not only is the US trying to make sustainable and useful fuels, but they are succeeding. If this patterns continues, than the US may be able to support itself on sustainable fuels someday. This is something everyone hopes for, but it cannot come unless the process continues and people continue to work for that goal.