Fewer Births, More Deaths Result in Lowest U.S. Growth Rate in Generations.

The United States population is aging and our population is on a slow decrease. Birth rates have been decreasing while death are increasing. Some say this will lead to the end of the world. According to the article the U.S. had, “just a 0.62 percent gain between July 2017 and July 2018.” In the past year there has been 2.81 million deaths and 3.86 million births within the last year. “The aging population is starting to take its toll.” According to the article it seems like our slow reproduction and our vast death is slowly killing our population. According to the article, a decade ago our population was reaching a surplus and we are now standing on opposite terms. “We have an aging problem of immense proportions.”

Is it women in the workforce? Is it low marriage rates? Is it a old reproduction age? Amongst the five articles there are various reasons to why the population in the world is declining and economic standings are declining. All of our countries are facing either overproduction or under production and maybe we can take some advice from the areas that are doing well with their production rates. Health advances and technology advances may save our nation, as it can help reproduction and other problems we face.

Tavernise, S. (2018, December 19). Fewer Births, More Deaths Result in Lowest U.S. Growth Rate in Generations. Retrieved February 22, 2019, from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/19/us/census-population-growth.html?rref=collection/timestopic/Population&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=4&pgtype=collection

3 thoughts on “Fewer Births, More Deaths Result in Lowest U.S. Growth Rate in Generations.

  1. How interesting… but I guess from our demographics graphs we could predict this as we are in the post industrial phase. So despite all the publicity around immigration, are we on our way to having some of the problems Japan and Germany face? We shall see… and you will be more informed than most people around you. I hope this important topic kept you interested this year. Thanks for the consistently good posts.

  2. Wow! Very interesting. I definitely feel that all increases much eventually reach their peak, and that is exactly what has happened with population growth. This has everything to do with overconsumption by humans, specifically those in developed nations.

  3. I never really saw a decline in pop growth like this. I totally agree that pop growth is declining due to many various factors, but are we able to find the root of the problem and try to fix it in a short amount of time?

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