Overpopulation for Centuries

Piper, K. (2019, August 20). We’ve worried about overpopulation for centuries. And we’ve always been wrong. Retrieved August 19, 2019,  from https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/8/20/20802413/overpopulation-demographic-transition-population-explained

  It started with a not lower number when the earth began. It started with 190 million. From then it when to 250 million going to 4 billion in 1976. However, many of the demographer predicted that humanity would over grow. However, most of the wealthier families don’t  have many children they would only have two. Therefore, the demographers have low hope that the population would decline in the mid century. As for many of the United States has to due a census but 2 % weren’t on that census. This census is created to know the population. However, many of the people don’t believe the UN estimates. Many don’t believe the UN because they feel that their future predictions are wrong. While the demographic say that the average women in 1900 in the US had 3.85 children while today the average woman has1.9 children. This has a 0.7 percentage. On the other hand many people don’t want to obess because the problem of climate change we need to fix that before the over population. So many people have theories about what would happen in 2100 with the population. 

I believe that the census that the united states is doing is doing a good job in keeping in order the count. However, I feel that if we did this in all the countries without scared the 2% we can get a good data. This would help the UN in keeping count and having their graph updated. To make good prediction. On the other hand with today’s socially we have a lot to be expected. And with giving birth is something that is last on the list. Which is why the birth rates can be the cause that it lower.

One thought on “Overpopulation for Centuries

  1. I think the article you chose is really interesting. It brings up the question of overpopulation which is not one commonly discussed. What do you think we should do about overpopulation? Why do you think birth rates are lower, yet we still are facing vast overpopulation?

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