American population dipping ?

Board, E. (2020, January 4). Opinion | American’s dip in population growth is a warning we shouldn’t ignore. Retrieved March 3, 2020, from

In the Washington post one of the keys is the labor force that can keep up with the economy’s capacity to grow. Even Though the growth rates aren’t as fast. The United States is still one of the fastest population per nation in having 328.9 million over japan having its population at 126 million which is currently shrinking. Not having birth and immigration to our country is one of the strong factors that is putting down at a much slower rate in increasing the population. Starting a new life in the United States now seems less attractive and preventing immigration is harming the population to decline more. From 2018 the total fertility rates stood at 1,728 births per 1,000 women. Overall, from 2018 to 2019 the natural increase in birth minus death was 956, 674 making it the first reading under one million in decades.
If the president wasn’t fully distracted from immigration the economy would go up. As well the population would grow. But I also feel that if they want immigrant people they would like it if they had a visa or a type of green card. However, in my opinion there is a limited amount of green cards that can be given out to sert countries. Many of those who are currently immigrating with a visa or green card are stuck in Mexico trying to fight for their case to be able to live in the United states. As well, the increase in birth rates is due to the lack of finding jobs and because being stable in silicon valley is a hard thing to maintain. Most of the millennials would be 35’s to 40’s until they would reach the stable to have a family. In which can be both good and bad. The bad side of it is that it’s a very old stage to have kids. Which can cause two things one having the child or two not having a child and just getting a dog and treating it as a human. The good part is that we are enlarging the human lifespan if we were to have kids. Overall, it is an effect of the population pyramid meaning that once the millennials react to an age of stability and they are old the percentage of them having kids is very slim which by then there won’t be another second generation. This would mean that in the environment there would be less car mobility and more space in rural areas and in cities would be less crowded. Which is one positive impact. However, for us humans the need for jobs would be more open and our economy would either drop since there aren’t many people working. Cause certain items to increase in some prices.

Fewest Gains in a decade

Vigdor, N. (2019, December 31). U.S. Population Makes Fewest Gains in Decades, Census Bureau Says. Retrieved March 3, 2020, from
In the new york times it repeated what my other article said about having less children rate and increase of deaths in baby boomers. However, millennials are delaying having kids which causes the baby boomer to increase in their deaths and have a higher retirement. In controntrast to Puerto rico. Puerto Rico has gained more population from 2018-2019. Knowing that Puerto Rico lost its population to a natural disaster. Overall in the states population rates are increasing at a slow pace. Due to the slowdown of immigration, millenials not having kids, and baby boomers dying. That population rate is slowly increasing.
Overall, knowing the millennials aren’t having kids due to many reasonings. For example in the United States having birth control is one of the popular things to get in a woman. And having birth control that is easy to get can be a cause of lower birth rates. Same goes for finding jobs in California. We have many jobs. As for other states in the United States which have fewer job opportunities. Which makes one move out of the country or the state. Not having the same resources to other states can affect one’s population in states. However, in contrast, job housing in California is by far expensive, making people travel to other places like texas. States can vary in population the type of weather,rent,and jobs which by far are the most important if you think about creating a family or having a family. In all , this can have an impact on the environment in many ways. One of the ways that can impact the environment is by having more people in one place. The increase of carbon dioxide can increase which then would change the whole environment slowly. Things that used to be there would slowly vanish. And the place that has less people new things would be there. By all means having less or even more people isn’t good since it also affects us in creating jobs and having families.

Population slowly decreasing

Welna, D. (2020, January 1). U.S. Population Growth In 2019 Is Slowest In A Century. Retrieved March 3, 2020, from
David Welna writes that from the cenuse last year the population for the US has increased by one half of a percentage.The increase is at a slower rate than it was in the Great Depression. The factors to this is that there is a low fertility rate and more deaths. There are more deaths from the baby boomer who are reaching their peak and it’s outnumbering the births. In the states West Virginia, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont there were more deaths than births. From 2011 through 2019 the birth rates have been 3.792 million- the deaths 2.835 million = have a neutral increase of 0.957 million. As with migrants coming, in 2016 it was the highest with the obama administration having 1,046,709. Currently the trump administration has a total of 595,348 since he is more in the anit-immigrantion. And with this there are more than 2.5 million residents who have moved to other regions making it the most abandoned part of the country being northeast. The second largest being the midwest having 856,873 who left since 2010. However, the 912,038 who left California for the past 9 years. And the 1,021,544 moving to abroad which out numbers the people moving out to another state. From all of this william frey said that with the states losing population putting this in politics some states like california likely to lose a seat for the first time in the history and other states could gaine three seats and florida could gain two seats at most. As well with a small population rate politics will be more complex. And Frey said that immigration is the key to our slow rate of increase of population.
In my opinion, I think that the rate from California is very overpopulated knowing that most of the big companies are closed by us. As well since we live in silicon valley where all the technology is at makes me think that we are bringing more people from other countries to california. Which leads me to think that either California and New York are by far the two big states. New york city is one of the states where many people visit or bring people. New York is known to be where the fashion jobs are at. And most of the runways shown for the seasons are either doing it in new york or in england, milan. So I feel that New York should have their population growing. In constatsed to immigration, know that this former president is anti-immigrant and that he is doing the best in not having immigrants in this country is causing an effect of the country losing population and not having people to work on jobs in the midwest and east side of the country. In places where there isn’t much of a population. His idea of not having immigrants is dropping the economy down but it is also slowing the population rate. Therefore, the slow rate of birth with the fast rate of death relates to environmental science in a demographing in how the middle age group of people that live in the USA when they get older they won’t be able to have kids. Which then would one delay in the cycle of humans and two if they all die then cities vanish into ruins.

Fires in California are not new ???

Nolte, C. (2019, November 3). Fires are nothing new in California. The population of nearly 40 million is. Retrieved November 7, 2019, from
In the San francisco Chronicle, many of what california is turning out to be is being affected by climate change and overpopulation. Autums are now fires and housing shortage. The atlantic magazine said “ raising the question of whether the country dreamist, most optimistic state is fast becoming unlivable.” california has a growth the bragged about. Having more people than other states in the union nearly 40 million californian. The bay area alone has 7 million people and some say the when there parents were younger it only had 1.7 million people living in the bay area. However, in sonoma county population grew to 46% between 1970 and 1980 just half a million people. In addition to this population exploded paradise grew from 5,000 inhabitants to 15,000 in just 15 years just over 26,217 people lived in paradise last year when the town was burning to the ground.
In my opinion, if we don’t do anything about having people in this states it going to cost us much more and it is going to be harder for us to build m=new houses and many people would either leave or not leave. And the people that would live then would have more family in the state. As for due to climate change being weird and unpredictable and having more fires in our we should also have in mind where we build the house and how we are affecting the environment that is close to cause because if we don’t then we are damaging the planet more and dancing our state more as well.

California population Growth !!!!

Panzar, J., & Parvini, S. (2019, May 1). Must Reads: California’s population growth is the slowest in recorded history. Retrieved November 7, 2019, from
In the Los angeles times, says that the 2018 population in california growth was the slowest in the states history, however, a new demographic data shows that the shifting of immgrantion and declining birth rates and economic strains are making it difficult for some to live in this stats. Therefore, last year the stats added 186,807 residents bring the population of california to 39,927,315 of jan 1 released by the state department of finance on wednesday. Overall the growth rate slipped to 0.47% last year and from 0.78% in 2017. The slowest data since 1900. And for birth were down by more than 18,000 compared with previous year.Ethan Sharygin said “ researchers had expected to find a decline in the birth rates but were surprised to see such a large change. One reason for the shift is the decline in immgrantion from Mexico paired with an increase in asian immigration, which correlates to lower fertility.” the fact that california is getting hard to pay as well more easy for a woman to have an education and ends up leading to later marriage.
In my opinion, the government should try to have a limited in each state in how much people it should have. As well it should try to make each state more divers because now we are having more immgrantion happening from both sides. Both latin america and europe in addition in having big companies like facebook and apple and nike move to other states less populated. This would then attract more people to this states and give them the right amount of population. Therefore, they should also try to see the pro and cons for them and the country and state they move to. As for the environment it would lead people having their job closer since the states with less population would have housing close to the place they work making them useless their vehicle and have a bigger impact in the environment.

38% as departures rise !!

Lansner, J. (2019, November 4). California outmigration jumps 38% as departures rise for 7th straight year. Retrieved November 7, 2019, from
In another article that Lansner, Jonathan writers he begins to talk about how california out migration jumps 38% as departures rise for the 7 th straight years. In a chart the y axis is the number of people and the x axis is the year from 2010 through 2018. Brown red is departures and green is arrivals. In 2010 573,988 people departures while 44,749 arrival… By 2015 it increases 643,710 departures and 514,477 arrival… And by 2018 691,145 departure and 501,023 arrival… A 38% jump in outmigration benchmark that the new census data shows. This is called net domestic migration outflow . the census also show that 691,145 californians last year left for other stats which loss nationally and up to 4.6 % in a year and for the 7th consecutive annual increase. And california is have a population challenge since people are moving to california.
In my opinion, since california, arizona,texas and new mexico are the states that border the mexico i would see why they would get more people or just get populated. However, the fact california is a state that has many wonderful things here should not be loaded in being the second states overpopulated or state that is populated like new york. Making sure the california feel safe and not overwhelmed by the fact that if more companies come here they would just be shining light and more people would come to california. And once they do that we have more carbon fuel in the air and less people in states were they need the population.

California out migration gap to Texas.

Lansner, J. (2019, November 4). Bubble Watch: California’s outmigration gap to Texas doubles to 48,354. Retrieved November 7, 2019, from
In the orange county register Lansner, Jonathan says that california moves to texas grow. In the eastbound texas has 86,164 of californians last year which has led up to a 36% in a year and a 33% above the 2010-2017 average for the westbound part. However, for the Westbound the state has gotten to 37,810 from the texas in 2018 8% down in a year and a 2% below the 2010 through 2017 average of the westbound. The gap adss to a texas migration advantage to 48,354 more in then outs in california last year. So a 118% in a year and an 85% above the years 2010-2017 average. In conclusion texas people are willing to move to California for the housing, jobs, and the different political views.
In my opinion, even though my states have different points of view in the political side. I think if companies began to start spreading in places like minnesota or delaware or kranssa than california would be so populated and it would give more people a chance in applying to those jobs rather than moving so far for the jobs and also would increase the state population and would help in elections.

South California less on housing

Dillon, L. (2019, November 8). Coastal cities give in to growth. Southern California favors less housing in Inland Empire. Retrieved November 7, 2019, from
Dillon, Liam a staff writer from the los angeles time writes about how Souther California have being to grow in the population. That by the next decade they would be putting 1 million new houses in Riverside and San Bernardino. As for Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said that he understands the fear that people are getting because it would acumlet traffice for there residents who live close to their jobs and those who live far from there work place. However, people advocating for the new house request that their house be built closer to their jobs so that they would waste less on carbon emission. As for peggy huang, a member of the Yorba linda City council in Orange County “ higher-density housing is likely to be too expensive for many residents and so the region should work instead to encourage job growth in more far-flung area where is more affordable.” with this Los Angeles and Orange counties plan 124,000 addition houses. The CDH and the CD review the approved plan and now are going to push the L.A City Council for more growth toward the coast. So for 2029 430,000 new homes would be in southern california. This would include a now stalled bill that would have required cities to allow greater development in many neighborhoods zone for single families.
In my opinion I believe that if people keep coming here then we might as well get used to the fact the now we live closer together. And the jobs do need to start to spread to other states and part of the united states to have all the states balance in the population but also because it would help a ton california not being the only states that is getting overpopulated by the big companies that we have.

Rapid Global Population

M.R. (2019, July 18). Two centuries of rapid global population growth will come to an end. Retrieved  August 12 , 2019, from

By the 1700’s through the 1800’s the world population was not growing. Bit instead it was slowly increasing by 0.04% per year. However, in the 20 century the population began to change. Millennials began to have more kids which then created more people on earth. This causes the action of being to create a steep on the population graph. With the 7 fold increase of population we began to impact the natural environment causing us to provide space,food, and resource for a larger population that is ahead of us. On the other hand, the population is still growing at a fast pace. Every year 140 million are born and 58 million die. This difference  leaves us with only 82 million. The UN’s projection of 0.1% will decrease the population for 2100. This would be resizable for humanity.  

I really like this article because it involved research from the united nation. This helped the reader see the graph in how we increased and then decreased. However, there is one sentence that gives his opinion. He brings to describe the pros and cons in the graph and gives us feedback. He is descriptive on the charts. Overall, the article gives its points and helps the reader notice what is happening in this world. And the hopes for the future.

Is Not the Problem “Overpopulation”

Subramaniam, B. (2019, August 16). “Overpopulation” Is Not the Problem. Retrieved August 20, 2019,  from

In Subramaniam article she explains the bad parts of overpopulation and how it has to do with many theories. She begins to explain this with an example of flour beetles and a jar and then slowly transitioning it to the cause of overpopulation. One of the theories that  she uses is the theory of Thomas Malthus. Malthus theories that population tends to increase at a rapid speed than the production of food. However, this theory does not resemble to the example of the flour beetle in the jar. Since the flour beetle in that case are the humans and the jar that the beetle live is earth. The theory of the four beetle is that each week they eat up all their resources and then they go extinct. However, this theory doesn;t work with the theory of Malthus. 

In what she writes she throws in politics into the problem of population. However, this doesn’t support some of her arguments. As well when she beging to talk about the many thoeries she also adds how this is related to feminist. I do not agree with her because many of what she states isn’t true. However, when she uses the theories in how it can cause the population to growth and over do it self. She explains it well and developed her point.