Genetically modified people are alive and well

Zimmer, Carl. “Genetically Modified People Are Walking Among Us.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 1 Dec. 2018,


The February, the authority approved an ongoing attempt to apply mitochondrial replacement therapy on two women. This procedure begins with taking a patient’s chromosomes out of one of her eggs. Then, they got an egg from a healthy donor and remove her chromosomes. Finally, they insert the patient’s chromosomes into the donor egg and fertilize it with sperm. When originally brought to the government’s attention, it was shut down immediately. After years of work and provided evidence as to why this procedure should happen. Authority was convinced and now the therapy is going to happen. 


This is huge. The whole medical world could be changed and for many women unable to have babies, this would allow for them to be able to. If this procedure works out as expected, the research and devotion to this procedure would most likely be able to affect other chromosomal issues for the better. Also, it would expand our population which could either be looked at as a pro or a con because if more women can get pregnant the birth rates would flourish. It makes me wonder: Why did no one think of this decades ago? It is a problem that so many women deal with and I think it is truly great that we are working towards a future. 

One thought on “Genetically modified people are alive and well

  1. I found your piece to be very interesting. I think that this is a huge step in the direction of genetic modification. Why was this originally shut down by the government given the obvious benefits?

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