Everyone is Responsible for Climate Change

          Earth Day Authors (2020). How to Act on Climate Change: A User’s Guide for 2020 and Beyond. Retrieved February 15, 2020, from https://www.earthday.org/campaign/act-on-climate-change/

          The International Bodies of Science warned us that we have a little over a decade to reduce our emissions by 50% in order to avoid some of the worst climate change effects. Not all climate change action has to be on a large scale, anyone can help fight against climate change. The first step is to get informed about climate change and spread this information as much as one can. Another big part of taking climate action is by holding yourself accountable, most people, especially in the United States have very large and unsustainable carbon footprints. People need to be focusing on reducing their carbon footprints by doing small things such as promoting environmentally friendly businesses, buying locally, and switching to more sustainable energy sources. Not everyone has to have authority to take action against climate change, everyone has the power to make a difference. 

          This article opened my eyes to the reality, everyone is responsible for climate change, therefore everyone needs to be doing their part in slowing it. If everyone took these small steps, like changing to a more environmentally friendly energy source, big changes would be made. This article was really inspiring to me and makes me want to hold myself accountable more and try to do more for the climate because just because I do not have the authority to be making climate laws, I can still make a difference by doing little things like talking to my parents about where we get our electricity from, and spreading my APES knowledge with my friends. All in all, climate change is everyone’s responsibility and everyone can make a difference.

2 thoughts on “Everyone is Responsible for Climate Change

  1. I agree with the student that it was a new opening to reality, that anyone is at fault for climate change yet we can all help and make it better with such small activities. The big question is how? how do we incentivize more people to change their natural habits?

  2. Thanks for your comment. I think one way we could incentivize people to act differently would be creating punishments, for example having to pay extra if you use over a certain amount of electricity each month. Also by rewarding those who do good.

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