Will an Alternate Economy Help the Climate?

          Anonymous (2019, October 1). How to respond to climate change, if you are an algorithm. Retrieved February 15, 2020, from https://www.economist.com/open-future/2019/10/01/how-to-respond-to-climate-change-if-you-are-an-algorithm 

          The Economist’s open future essay competition winner writes that one way to fight against climate change is to build a sustainable energy system that is affordable and good for the environment is by creating an alternative economy. Since we are the ones using energy and creating things that we do not fully understand the environmental implications of, we also hold the power to stop doing this. The way to do this is by building an economy that maximises its productivity and supports workers, without using fossil fuels. However, since Earth’s population is rapidly growing and resources will be less abundant, we need to start this shift now or else it will be more chaotic and violent as people will be fighting over the few resources we have left. In conclusion, we must begin a complete alternate economy in order to combat climate change to the best of our abilities.

          In my opinion, I think this article offers a hypothetically good idea on how to combat climate change, however I am not sure how this can be realistically done. To me it seems as if this shift to a different would require a complete change in mindset that I am not convinced many lawmakers have and we would require these lawmakers’ support to make this large scale of a change. I do think that this type of a change would be very successful if we could actually make the shift, however, I am pretty convinced that this large of a change cannot be achieved as soon as it would need to be and that is why I do not think we should put our time and resources into this, I think we should be focusing on other ways to slow climate change.

2 thoughts on “Will an Alternate Economy Help the Climate?

  1. I agree that this theory could succeed if people change their mental approach to fighting climate change. These adjustments will defiantly take time and people will split on their opinions of them, some will oppose any change and other will support it. In the end it does seem like a very well thought out idea that could succeed.

  2. Thank you for your comment. I am glad we are on the same page and it will be interesting to see how their idea plays out.

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