American population dipping ?

Board, E. (2020, January 4). Opinion | American’s dip in population growth is a warning we shouldn’t ignore. Retrieved March 3, 2020, from

In the Washington post one of the keys is the labor force that can keep up with the economy’s capacity to grow. Even Though the growth rates aren’t as fast. The United States is still one of the fastest population per nation in having 328.9 million over japan having its population at 126 million which is currently shrinking. Not having birth and immigration to our country is one of the strong factors that is putting down at a much slower rate in increasing the population. Starting a new life in the United States now seems less attractive and preventing immigration is harming the population to decline more. From 2018 the total fertility rates stood at 1,728 births per 1,000 women. Overall, from 2018 to 2019 the natural increase in birth minus death was 956, 674 making it the first reading under one million in decades.
If the president wasn’t fully distracted from immigration the economy would go up. As well the population would grow. But I also feel that if they want immigrant people they would like it if they had a visa or a type of green card. However, in my opinion there is a limited amount of green cards that can be given out to sert countries. Many of those who are currently immigrating with a visa or green card are stuck in Mexico trying to fight for their case to be able to live in the United states. As well, the increase in birth rates is due to the lack of finding jobs and because being stable in silicon valley is a hard thing to maintain. Most of the millennials would be 35’s to 40’s until they would reach the stable to have a family. In which can be both good and bad. The bad side of it is that it’s a very old stage to have kids. Which can cause two things one having the child or two not having a child and just getting a dog and treating it as a human. The good part is that we are enlarging the human lifespan if we were to have kids. Overall, it is an effect of the population pyramid meaning that once the millennials react to an age of stability and they are old the percentage of them having kids is very slim which by then there won’t be another second generation. This would mean that in the environment there would be less car mobility and more space in rural areas and in cities would be less crowded. Which is one positive impact. However, for us humans the need for jobs would be more open and our economy would either drop since there aren’t many people working. Cause certain items to increase in some prices.

2 thoughts on “American population dipping ?

  1. I completely agree with you. However, while the slowing population growth may be bad for the economy, do you think that it will positively effect the environment?

  2. Your opinion was a bit confusing, is it not a good thing that the birth rate decreases a bit? We are already short on resources and as the population keeps growing to a point where if it increases even more then the environment could be harmed even further. Also, humans last longer with a larger lifespan they occupy those resources for a longer time.

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