California Files Lawsuit to Block Trump Administration Delta Water Rules

Source: Hall, Alexandra. “California Files Lawsuit to Block Trump Administration Delta Water Rules: KQED News.” KQED, 21 Feb. 1970,

Abstract: When Trump visited the central valley to celebrate more water being allocated to growers in the area, he was met with lawsuits that would prevent this from happening. These lawsuits were filed to ensure the safety of the delta smelt, an endangered species. California feels that moving more water to the growers will ultimately endanger other fish, such as salmon. Trump feels that this water will help California’s economy and will ultimately promote agricultural reform across the country. Although he was stopped almost instantly, he is still trying to send water in the direction of the central valley, and it is a priority of his to recognize the agriculture industry in California. 

Reaction: This article is super relevant. We talked about the smelt in class and the different ways to protect them. There are two sides to this lawsuit. The first is Trump’s side, where he is looking out for the people living in the central valley, and there is the California government, which is looking out for an endangered species. There is more to look into, but both sides have a valid point on why the water should go, or not, to the growers.

3 thoughts on “California Files Lawsuit to Block Trump Administration Delta Water Rules

  1. I think your spot on with this topic being of relevance too our class because we had discussions about this very issue. Something I would add is another perspective when looking at Trumps motivation. In my mind, since California is such a democratic state in the larger cities, it would make sense that Trump would do everything in his power to try and help the people who do not reside within this liberal zones. Doing this may overall help his influence in the state as he is helping people who are not necessarily from areas that disagree with his ideas.

  2. I think this article sums up the argument between the two sides of this issue very well. Both sides have valid arguments and reasons for why more water should be allocated to them. In the end, it’s just whether or not the growing of food is more essential to us than the health of the delta.

  3. This article is a perfect example of two parties fighting over a common resource. I think if we choose to save the Delta we should all be okay with being charged more for fresh produce. Because fresh and local food is and will me bore expensive, more buyers might possibly move to cheaper grocery item options which most likely will be food produced that is not environmentally friendly (factory farm, gmo’s, fertilizers, etc). All in all I think that no matter what decision is made, we must weigh the pros and cons of each perspective. Do you think the fight for the delta smelt is necessary? Dozens of species go extinct every day, why is this one so important?

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