COVID-19 Has Worsened the Ocean Plastic Pollution Problem

Ford, D. (2020, August 17). COVID-19 Has Worsened the Ocean Plastic Pollution Problem. Retrieved November 14, 2020, from

A whole new impact of the Corona-Virus Pandemic is emerging, plastic waste is at an all time high amongst production of masks, gloves, and more. It was previously known that data on human health being affected by microplastics consumed by fish, then consumed by humans, was emerging. Now, with plastic in demand for Covid-safe precautions like plastic gloves, or plastic packaging of gloves, masks, etc., oceanic ecosystems are ravaged with plastic. While quarantine proposed a silver lining of carbon emissions going down with decrease in travel, an estimated global use of 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves every month was also triggered. And, because, in order to be competitive in these industries you must use the cheapest virgin plastic, plastic pollution rates have increased. Even things like take out food mean a use of mor plastic utensils, bags, and more, which add to this increase. 


I found this article very eye opening to how the pandemic has contributed to pollution in the environment. I had at first thought that emissions had likely gone down as a result of quarantine, and less production and travel being necessary, but now I see that there are other hidden downsides. I am now putting together the many effects of Corona, and even remembering that I have seen plastic gloves and masks in the street and other places locally recently, as they are a new necessity for us to go out. It is disappointing that we did not consider this originally, and prepare for ways to not increase virgin plastic production. I think countries need to focus on individual waste programs and plans, to develop systems that don’t encourage the cheapest and almost always most harmful to the environment materials. 

4 thoughts on “COVID-19 Has Worsened the Ocean Plastic Pollution Problem

  1. I agree that is has been hard to see all of the different effects of the pandemic. We think that we’ve seen all of the negativity that it has brought, until a new article or phenomenon comes up that tells us there are more bad things happening because of the coronavirus, for example, increased plastic in the ocean. It’s ironic how for the past few years we have all adamantly advocated against the use of single-use plastics and have focused on using sustainable materials that do not harm the environment or hurt the ocean. Now, however, for our own safety it has been necessary to increase our use in plastics. Because of the pandemic, I don’t see a way where we use less plastic for masks, gloves, and packaging. Do you believe that there is a solution that we can find during the pandemic, or do we just have to wait until it’s over before getting our plastic use down? Will there be long-term effects of this plastic use, or will it just be a blip in our progress towards combatting climate change?

    • I think there is a solution we can find during the pandemic. This could be increasing production and lowering cost of reusable gloves, and creating policies that encourage recycled plastic packaging instead of single-use. While it seems too late to really solve this currently, I hope next time an event like this comes around we can be better prepared. There are definitely long term effects of plastic that can be seen, as it damages marine life and disrupts food chains, offsetting ecosystems for a long time.

  2. I agree that it was surprising that pollution was going up despite many people staying home due to the pandemic. This brings to light how we all need to be environmentally conscious even during a pandemic, because at the end of the day pollution will still harm our environment, even if it is not our main issue right now. How do you think we can help reduce the amount of cheap plastic being used right now?

    • Right now a good way we as high schoolers could reduce cheap plastic use is by doing our shopping with a mindfulness and choosing products that are not using single use plastics. We can also recycle and start conversations to create awareness.

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