E.U. Agrees to Slash Carbon Emissions by 2030

Pronczuk, M. (2020 December 11) E.U. Agrees to Slash Carbon Emissions by 2030. Retrieved February 13, 2020 from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/11/world/europe/eu-climate-emissions.html


The EU has agreed to cut carbon emissions by 55% compared to levels measured in 1990. They have created a multi-trillion dollar budget for countries to spend to help them create a more environmentally friendly economy. This agreement comes after much dispute and debate between all countries involved. Many primarily coal-fueled countries opposed this agreement, so it is a surprise that all countries were able to come to such an accord. 

The EU is a massive conglomerate of countries. All of these countries working together to reduce their emissions and fight climate change could make a huge difference. The EU and the countries that comprise it are also a huge example for other countries across the globe, such as the United States. If the EU is recognizing how drastic our measures need to be to fight climate change, hopefully others will too and will follow in its footsteps. It’s great that the EU is not just pushing legislation on its countries, but also working to give them the tools they need in order to be able to succeed and create a greener way of living. Many of the countries in the EU are still coal-driven and this agreement will harm their economies and jobs. I hope that they will be able to find a way to succeed and show the rest of the world how to fight climate change effectively. 

2 thoughts on “E.U. Agrees to Slash Carbon Emissions by 2030

  1. My favorite part about your post is how you recognized of not just pushing legislation but also giving countries’ the tools they need to follow through. This is applaudable, because developing countries not having the ability to make changes is a large factor in the lack of change. How do you think the US can play a role in helping developing countries get on their feet to fight the pressing climate concerns?

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