U.K. Court Blocks Heathrow Airport Expansion on Environmental Grounds

Mueller, B. Landler, M. (2021 February 27) U.K. Court Blocks Heathrow Airport Expansion on Environmental Grounds. Retrieved February 13, 2020 from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/world/europe/heathrow-airport-third-runway-uk.html


The predicted expansion of London’s Heathrow Airport has been blocked by a UK Court of Appeal. The ruling states that the government has not fulfilled its duties to fight climate change that were outlined in the Paris Accords. While this will not affect anything outside of the UK, it could affect future decisions within the sovereign state. This is just one decision of many that have been made in past decades to support environmental protection efforts. 

The courts are doing the right thing in blocking this expansion and providing incentives to combat climate change. The government has not followed through on its efforts to fight climate change that it agreed to under the Paris Accords, so it should not be allowed to continue as if it has. This ruling could set a precedent in the UK, and hopefully set an example for other countries in the world. Expanding projects like airports can be detrimental to wildlife and their habitats. Preventing this expansion could ensure that biodiversity is not decreased. When certain people are doing all they can to help climate change along, rulings and laws might be the only way to protect the environment. 

One thought on “U.K. Court Blocks Heathrow Airport Expansion on Environmental Grounds

  1. How interesting. My understanding of the Paris Accord is that for the most part it lacked teeth with regards to accountability. It was more a handshake kind of agreement. Of course, having some consequences for not following through can be effective incentive/disincentive. Sounds like the UK is doing that internally- with the courts holding themselves accountable… which implies there are some laws. Did that come out in the article at all? I wonder if the US could ever get there. If they could, I imagine right now is the time.

    Gabby- you consistently delivered well written and relevant news to the APES community at large. Thank you for that! Hope you found your topic interesting.

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