Oil and Gas Reaches Historic Lows

The formation of new oil and natural gas drilling sites have reached historic low points in 2020 in California. Although the pandemic surely played a part, a spokesperson said, “global commodity prices, our state’s economy and local judicial decisions in Kern County have all contributed to the decline.” The graph shows a steady decrease in oil and natural gas drilling. However, 68 percent of California’s oil and natural gas is imported from other countries. The article notes that these countries do not follow California’s environmental or safety standards, presenting a bigger threat to the environment.  


This obviously seems like a good development, and is hopefully a sign of a serious shift in the state’s energy future. However, it is concerning that such a large percentage of our oil exports come from foreign countries. Emissions are emissions, and environmental damage is environmental damage. Less domestic drilling means little if we are just importing that oil and natural gas. It highlights the need to find reliable, domestic sources of clean energy. Climate change is a global issue, and it’s important we use metrics to measure success and promote practices with that in mind. 


3 thoughts on “Oil and Gas Reaches Historic Lows

  1. I agree with your point that “emissions are emissions”. Oftentimes, people will try to manipulate statistics in order to make things look better than they really are. Just because we are not drilling oil and gas in California does not mean that we aren’t using these fossil fuels. If we continue to use the same amount of fossil fuels as before then it does not matter whether or not we are the ones producing them. Climate change is a global issue and emissions affect the environment no matter where they are coming from. Do you think that people are manipulating these statistics on purpose to make it seem like we are doing better than we are?

  2. I agree that it is bad that we import lots of our oil from foreign countries. The transport of that oil must cause even more emissions to go into the atmosphere. It is important that we start to use a new form of sustainable energy and stop depleting the finite resource of oil. What form of energy is best suited to replace oil?

  3. Your statement is interesting because how we’ve had to use up so much oil and coal that it is around the amount of oil and coal that was used the longest time ago. And how the heavy amount that was used back then is leveling out to how much is being used now.

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