San Jose Redif-Hillview Airport is exposing Children to High Levels of Lead

Angst, Maggie. “’A Crisis on Our Hands’: San Jose’s Reid-Hillview Airport Exposes Children to High Lead Levels, Study Finds.” The Mercury News, The Mercury News, 17 Aug. 2021,–lBhJhiss_f59FLonBjjyNdNeApZ7vI9WWISzM9EKiBvxQroQDlFKrssrN94MnJj3GiInt

A study done by the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors found that from the 17,000 samples of blood they took of children 18 and younger from 2011-2020 who live within a mile and half-mile have higher levels of lead in their blood than children who live farther away.  Residents for the longest time have been requesting to shut down the airport before 2031 which was the Federal Aviation Administration approved date but it might happener sooner due to federal grant obligations. Since the opening in 196, thousands of homes, two dozen schools, and childcare centers have been built right by the airport.  The neighborhood is very frustrated “Why do we have to live with this just because we live in a poor area? Our children are not able to defend themselves, and now they’re just condemned to the toxication of lead”. 

It is unfair, poor communities are thrown this problem that is affecting their children’s health, you don’t see this problem in rich cities like Atherton where their health is being risked but rather are thrown upon those who are already affected in other ways. What makes this justifiable? Because they’re poor doesn’t mean they deserve it. This needs to be fixed and shut down immediately, more people need to know that Santa Clara Board isn’t doing anything about it.    


8 thoughts on “San Jose Redif-Hillview Airport is exposing Children to High Levels of Lead

  1. It is extremely unfair that poorer communities are always the ones who have to deal with issues like this, because there is no one who can throw money at the problem, and no outsider who wants to help. If climate change continues to worsen, do you think poorer areas could begin to fall apart as results of an unhealthy environment?

    • Hello Madison,
      Thanks for commenting. Regarding your question absolutely I think the greediness of the government allowing poorer country to deal with unhealthy circumstances within their environment. I mean this is only one example of how it’s affecting San Jose low income families, just within Atherton the most richest city in the U.S has a school underfunded and their water has led in it but yet it’s silenced since it’s a school for low income families. It’s truly sad to see.

  2. I agree with the assessment that it is lower income communities that face environmental crisis and climate change in more extreme ways, especially as climate change worsens we should establish a systemic change that prevents the people in poorer communities to have to face environmental crisis’s on a bigger scale.

    • Absolutely. Thanks for commenting, what do you think should be done regardings unfairness within low income communities treatment of environmental issues vitally affecting them?

  3. I agree that lower-income communities should not be facing this problem, but there is more to it than just lower-income communities being exposed. The airport was built in 1937, almost 85 years ago. The effects of the airport have not been known until recently. It is true that the poor communities are the ones that have to deal with this because the land around airports tends to be cheaper, but the airport was built so long ago that it’s not like the airport was put there because it is a poorer community, rather it is a poorer community because the airport is there. The effects that it is having on the children though is undeniable, so I believe that the problem should be dealt with, however, if your argument was used for why the airport should be removed, it would very easily backfire on you. I agree that it should be shut down, but rather you should find more compelling evidence for your argument that would help fulfill the goal of the airport being shut down. Do you agree with this?

    • Hi Pakir,
      Thanks for commenting. Regarding your comment, it hasn’t been just newly exposed that the airport has been affecting families in the communities it’s been known for over a decade that’s why the blood tests were done to the children. What more can be implied in order to shut down the airport? Other than people’s safety and health? What would you do if you were being the one affected? These families can’t just move, in order to solve the problem which has been complained about the whole community for years it should be shut down.

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