Emergency Regulations/ Extended Angling Restrictions

California Department of Fish and Wildlife. “Emergency Regulations Allow CDFW to Extend Angling Restrictions in Coastal Waters Experiencing Prolonged, Low-Flow Conditions from Drought.” Lake County News, 5 Feb. 2022, https://www.lakeconews.com/news/recreation/71657-emergency-regulations-allow-cdfw-to-extend-angling-restrictions-in-coastal-waters-experiencing-prolonged-low-flow-conditions-from-drought.

 In Clear Lake, California, The California Fish and Game Commission decided to adopt regulations to allow the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to further restrict fishing regulations into the season. These restrictions have been put in place as a result of an extended drought relating to low flow river conditions. The slow flow is occurring in the Russian, Eel, and Smith Rivers particularly, but is not limited to just those three as there are several other river rivers with similar conditions. The restriction is currently in place until April 30, however could possibly be extended. Salmon and steelhead are the fish that the restrictions have been put in place to protect. Particularly breeds such as the coho salmon or steelhead trout. These restrictions were put in place on January 31.

Although frustrating for many Californian anglers this restriction that was put in place is well worth it in terms of the overall health of the ecosystem, and the possibility for these fishes continued survival in years to come. If these fishermen think in the bigger picture they might realize that if they over fish in a year like 2022 where we have seen limited rainfall and even drought, it would be clear that they could lead to the extinction of the species as a whole, destroying their possibilities of catching these fish in the future. Therefore, although Frustrating for fishermen, the new regulation is proper. It is interesting to me that these regulations are called emergencies, however in the future maybe they will become so frequent that they are no longer emergencies and this is the beginning of a trend we might see in the future. Although unfortunate for fishermen it is clear that this restriction is necessary as many of the fish species that the restriction is letting me to protect are already struggling to continue their previous reproduction rates as they swim up coastal rivers.

4 thoughts on “Emergency Regulations/ Extended Angling Restrictions

  1. You made a lot of good points that I agree with, specifically about overfishing and extinction. I also agree that these regulations could become more frequent in the future.
    Are these emergency regulations a recent idea or have they been implemented in the past?

    • Thank you for the comment, These restrictions are a rather new idea for two reasons, one being the fact that we are more cautious of these endangered species as a society today, and because these emergency low flow situations are becoming so frequent. These two factors are what cause these regulations to occur more frequently today.

  2. I really liked your abstract and think you did a great job of weighing the wishes of the fisherman and the environmental impact.
    Do you think the restriction should end on April 30th or be extended?

    • Thanks you for your comment, It’s really hard to decide whether the restriction should be lifted or not. To be honest time will tell, it all depends on the amount of rain if any we get in the next month. In the months since this fishing ban was enforced we certainly have had limited rain so it is expected that these low flow river conditions have persisted.

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