Living near Fracking Sites Raises Risk of Premature Death for Elderly

This study researches how people, specifically the elderly are dangerously affected by living near areas where fracking occurs. Due to the harmful pollution that fracking emmits, people who live near fracking drills have a higher chance of dying early, and elderly people who live near fracking sites have higher chance of death. The article talks about how it was the “first major study into the link between premature death in older people” which is shocking due to the amount of time fracking has been used, and how many lives have been affected without them even knowing

My opinion on the article is that we need to find alternative ways of energy. While this article focuses on how fracking is harmful to those who live near the areas, on a larger scale of when the pollution reaches a threat level of everyone, this can be extremely dangerous to everyone. This article proves that the pollution from fracking is enough to lower lifespans, which alone should be enough to be treated seriously, and actions should be taken to reduce the amount of fracking. Lastly, the harms that fracking causes not only on our environment, but on the people who live near fracking facilities should not longer have to be an question of wether or not fracking is worth the risk because of the clear signs that fracking is harmful to us. 

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