U.S. Oil Producers Ramp up Fracking in Sign of Stronger Output Gains

The article focuses on the demand of oil, and how there is a natural increase of fracking due to this. Specifically, how there has been an increase of people working by about 5%, and how the demand for oil has caused the price to increase to over 80$! 

I think that there needs to be an alternative source of energy besides fracking because the increase of oil causing for an increase of price hurts both our economy and our environment. Many people are not aware of the hidden factors behind the overuse of oil such as the water usage/water pollution, the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, and soil pollution. Additionally, the increase demand causes the price to increase which mainly affects us when it comes to the gas prices, which are already nearing an all time high in the US. When it comes to possible solutions, we are already working towards alternate sources of energy such as solar, nuclear, wind, etc, and even have electric cars to stop the necessity of gas cars. These alternate sources of energy is a start towards a decrease in fracking, but begs the question of wether or not there is anything more that we can do.

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