Freshwater Algae Blooms

Selzer, M. (2022, July 6). The state of knowledge on harmful algal blooms of cyanobacteria in the Great Lakes. State of Michigan. Retrieved August 28, 2022, from

This article writes about the effects of cyanobacteria blooms in a freshwater environment, the Great Lakes. The great lakes are located up north and are very cold and nutrient poor. Some of the factors for increased blooms have been attributed to changes in agricultural practices, extreme weather events, and increased air temperatures that occur near the shore. Some species of invasive muscles have caused more nutrients to be concentrated near the shore, resulting in a more susceptible area that can be affected by eutrophication. Even though there has been more algae activity in recent years, there needs to be more scientific research done about how climate change affects the algae blooms in the great lakes.

This article was very informational because I did not realize that cyanobacteria could bloom in freshwater. The article also brought up how muscles concentrate the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus into an area that can be easily influenced by eutrophication.

3 thoughts on “Freshwater Algae Blooms

  1. This article sheds light on yet another way that human activity is affecting the environment. Eutrophication has negative effects on humans, the economy, and animals so it is necessary that we work to find ways to stop this from happening. What do you think is one method to decrease eutrophication?

  2. This is very interesting to read and I think you did a good job with the summary! Going forward I can only imagine this will get worse and happen more frequently. Are there ways that animals could adapt to navigate this human impact?

  3. I enjoyed this and like how you did the summary. And how bad can this go? And what would the effect be long-term and short term? And what exactly caused it.

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