Central Pacific Coral Reef Shows Remarkable Recovery Despite Two Warm-Water Events

Koppes, S. (2022, July 06). Central Pacific Coral Reef Shows Remarkable Recovery Despite Two
Warm-Water Events. Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Retrieved January 28, 2023, from https://scripps.ucsd.edu/news/central-pacific-coral-reef-shows-remarkable-recovery-despite-two-warm-water-events

A 10-year study was conducted on coral reefs that were out of reach from human impact. This study revealed that local human activities are the main cause of coral bleaching. When isolated from human populations and activities like overfishing, pollution, and more, coral have much stronger resilience against bleaching. Coral in protected waters and intact ecosytems have a much stronger chance at recovery after bleaching as they are not susceptible to “coastal development, and fresh water runoff containing fertilizers and pesticides all may erode the ability of a reef to recover”. Additionally, the diverse fish populations surrounding it may contribute to the reef’s ability to withstand bleaching.

The resilience at Palmyra gives hope to environmental scientists and the risk of coral extinction and suggests there is still so much to learn about how intact systems are functioning. If we continue to study the patterns and behaviors of intact coral, we can apply the characteristics of their environment to bleached coral in hope of recovering them and preventing further bleaching. As humans wont be changing their habits for the sake of coral, it is our job to advocate for coral conservation and prevent human activities from decreasing their chances of survival.

2 thoughts on “Central Pacific Coral Reef Shows Remarkable Recovery Despite Two Warm-Water Events

  1. Are there other causes to coral bleaching other than chemicals from run off? I wonder if coral farther off the coast is still effected like this due to the extreme water pollution from boats and other things etc.

    • Coral are definitely affected by water pollution from boats and human pollution, but another cause of coral bleaching stems from the warming of the ocean from climate change.

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