The secret to saving coral reefs? Just like with financial investing, diversification is key.

Joy, D (2022, December 12). The secret to saving coral reefs? Just like with financial investing,
diversification is key. USC Dornsife. Retrieved January 28, 2023, from

Led by researches at USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, a new study has revealed the key to saving coral reefs dying from climate change, and at its center is diversification. The study examined the environment around the coral and the response from the coral. By planting various types of coral, they found a different results in each coral. While some coral were able to adapt to changing environments, some were unable to adapt and survive, revealing that genetic diversity of transplants is very important. Now, researches will continue ti study the surviving coral and how they are able to adapt and how they affect future coral transplants.

This study brings in more information about the survival of coral reefs, and how we can improve their chances of survival through transplantations. As the study highlights, diversification is key in creating a healthy coral reef, as some may be bleached, but the remaining coral species can continue to provide a healthy habitat for the marine life around it. With this idea in mind, we can know which species of coral have the best chance at survival and plant more of them in warm patches of the ocean.

2 thoughts on “The secret to saving coral reefs? Just like with financial investing, diversification is key.

  1. I agree that this research is key to helping maintain the coral reef population, however, it does not contribute to helping the source of the problem. On another note, do you think they will use this information to conduct genetic transplantation or will they start to plant more of the coral species that adapt well?

    • I think they should and will do a little bit of both, whether that involves genetically modifying existing coral to enhance their adaptability and survival rate, or planting more coral with naturally enhanced strength.

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