McGrath, Matt. “Climate Change: Europe and Polar Regions Bear Brunt of Warming in 2022.” BBC News, BBC, 10 Jan. 2023,

In the year 2022 Europe was hit the hardest by global warming. During the summer the temperatures increased by twice the global average. Due to some factors land is warming up faster than the sea and that is causing this drastic increase in temperature, but this rise of temperature was not random over the 50 years europe’s average temperatures have been increasing. The countries with the highest temperatures are the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, France, and Portugal.

It is obvious that the temperature is not suddenly going to go back to normal. Due to the greenhouse gasses being produced it has trapped the v rays which are raising temperature. Most people agree that something needs to be done to fix this problem, but nobody has been able to find a solution. I am optimistic that we can fix the problem because we are finding ways to produce less greenhouse gasses. For example electric cars use clean energy instead of gas which pollutes the Earth. I do think there is more to be done and I think these European countries should take initiative because they are suffering and need to find a solution.

2 thoughts on “McGrath, Matt. “Climate Change: Europe and Polar Regions Bear Brunt of Warming in 2022.” BBC News, BBC, 10 Jan. 2023,

  1. Glad you are feeling optimistic, Derick. I actually am too, largely from working with students like you. I hope this topic kept you interested this year. As the temperature warm, what do you think these countries should be doing to prepare (adapt), in addition to trying to stop the CO2 emissions and sequester it?

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