Climate change is speeding toward catastrophe

Plumer, B. (2023, March 20). Climate change is speeding toward catastrophe. the Next Decade is crucial, U.N. panel says. The New York Times. 

This article is about how the earth is heading in the direction of hitting a critical threshold for global warming within the next decade if we do not reduce fossil fuels. It is said for the temperature to rise 2.7 degrees above pre industrial levels sometime in the early 2030’s. This is significant because at the Paris agreement of 2015 everyone agreed to keep the number at 1.5 degrees. The impacts of climate change beyond this number could be catastrophic. There is still hope if we reduce greenhouse gasses by 50% but action must be taken soon. The biggest fossil fuel users, China and the United States continue to accept new fossil projects. Along with passing 1.5 degrees this would also affect water scarcity, malnutrition, and deadly heat waves. Zero emissions should be met by 2040 but most countries have goals set between 2050-70 which is not soon enough. Even though 18 countries have reduced their emissions in the past decade, it was also found the temperature increase is more disruptive than previously thought.

In this article it is prevalent that the main idea is the future is in our hands and whether we decide to make a change for the better and work towards fixing climate change, or whether our earth declines to points we cannot come back from is in our hands. Basically we are not reaching the goals we need to be reaching quick enough to be able to make a difference that will save the planet. At 1.5 degrees there are still coral reefs and things can be revived, however once we hit 2.7 this will not be the case. Not only will the planet be at risk, but humanity as well. Fresh water on islands will become less accessible and heat waves will become more intense. Other factors of climate change will amp up making it much harder for humans to live. This will become more unbearable to the point of possibility of way more deaths. So this is a serious matter not only for the people and places (habitats) it affects, but also everyday humans will be affected as well.

4 thoughts on “Climate change is speeding toward catastrophe

  1. This is very interesting as well as very concerning, Climate change has been a widely discussed topic over the course of the years and is always seen as a big issue. Do you think that as a society we are failing our planet?

    • Thanks for reading! Yes I think we are failing our planet because we are not making a change fast enough even though we know the affects of what we are doing.

  2. Climate change is obviously a very concerning topic. Humans have caused so much damage but have yet to fully destroy the planet. How as a species do we get everyone to realize that we need to change and save the planet so our children and other species can live healthy lives?

    • Thanks for reading! I think we are already aware of the problem, and I really do not think people in higher places that can make the changes will until the affects are detrimental.

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